Freaky 18th

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"EERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!" Went a air horn sounding in my ear.

Jumping from my bed fists at the ready I squinted, confused at the bright room. Only to see and toothy smiling Sandy holding a cupcake with a lit toothpick sticking out the top.

"What the hell Sandy?!" I whisper yell.

"B!!! Its your Birthday!!"

I turn and look the calendar with kittens on it handing on Sandy's wall.

October 29th.

Already? I am 18 today? I am officially an adult.

"Hurry blow this out. Its gonna set the alarms off with the smoke and the sent of burned wood will linger."

I Jumped from my bed extinguished the flame at the end of the toothpick with a quick breath.

"Thank you Sandy. No one has ever really made my aging a big deal."

She gave a toothy grin and hugged me. I assumed this was a truce on the whole meat is murder thing, and returned the hug.

"Hey you are new to this whole Werebeings thing right?"

I turn from my closet, where I was beginning to get ready for the day. I flashed a confused look.

"Uh well yeah, no one really let me know I was a freak if that's what you mean..."

She grinned almost deviously.

"Oh so nobody has told you what happens when you turn... of age then."

She grabbed her bag and ran out the door.

"Bye Hun! Have a lovely confused filled day!"

Was she trying to kill me?


Closing the door behind me I turn to face the hallway but instead of facing an empty hall I face a tall, handsome, dark eyed hottie.......UH WHAAAT?! NO! I scolded myself.

"Hi Jensen." I breath, brushing past him. My hand brushing his arm. I felt a warm, tingling sensation rush from our area of contact. It startles me and I pull my hand up to see what caused it.

Nothing. The sensation still lingered. What the hell?!

"Hey Bug. Wanna walk to class?"

"I am okay walking myself ya know."

I reply still confused.

"Oh.. okay uh see ya in class then.... Bug."

I sigh at the nickname and descend the stairs to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I take a seat by myself at a circular table and begin on my eggs.

Why did it feel like that when I touched Jensen? Was I sick?

"Can I sit here?" A voice pulls me from my thoughts. I hadn't caught what he said so I flashed a confused look.

"May I sit with you? Or is this spot reserved?" The Blonde boy repeated.

"Oh.. No! Go ahead. Its free. N-no people.... sitting... here." I stuttered feeling stupid he had to repeat himself and even dumber that I replied like that.

He was a cute blonde about 5' 8'' which was taller than me, being Asian and all.

"Hi, I'm Steven. We actually have Ancient Language and MMA together."

I made and "Ahhh" face pretending I recognized him. I felt rude not having paid attention to the other people in classes.

"Haha you don't recognize me."

Drat... caught.

"No I'm sorry. I don't pay attention."

I admit.

"No I understand." He began.

"You have to pay more attention in class to control you wicked awesome powers. especially after the incident." He said almost like he was sorry for me.

"Yeah.." I sighed forking my bacon.

We continued silence for about two minutes when we both finally finished out breakfast.

"Hey uh B may I call you? Uh I should go. thanks for the chat though. I'll see you in class." Steven said flashing a smile.

"Thanks, you too. Sorry for the awkward. I don't know how to do the socialize." I replied feeling stupid.

He chuckled. "Its okay, see you around B." He waved.

I finished my food and got up to dispose of the tray and turn to see Jensen's eyes following Steven out of the room, a glare on his good looking face.

He turned his head to face me now and his expression brightened.

I rolled my eyes. "Boys." I muttered to myself. They always wanna be Alfa.


Free period I strolled the grounds just wanting to roam the woods. I get out into the garden area to find Steven sitting cross legged in front of some Daisies.... drawing?

I clear my throat letting him know I was here. He turned to face me.

"Oh hi B. Care to join me?" I walk forward and stand next to the sitting boy.

"Wow you're good." I admire his work.

"They look as though you could pick them from the page."

"Why thank you." he replied, smiling brightly proud, of his art.

"That's typically what I try for."

Hes cute. But I wasn't really attracted to artsy fellas. In fact I had never really looked at guys in any other way than easy targets to steal from. Until Jensen.... BUT ENOUGH ABOUT HIM.

Steven and I look at his other drawings together and giggle at the ones he made when he first got into art. They were pretty funny but he got amazing just from practicing.

We then began to talk about some of the teachers and friends we had made. He was pretty great to talk to.


I had found myself every free period watching Steven do art. He was amazing. I mean I had nothing better to do. When he wasn't "arting" he and I were working on Ancient Languages homework with me.

I had noticed I hadn't seen Jensen around a lot. When I did he was staring down Steven.

I didn't understand why.

Until I was headed to my room after a study session with Steven.

Leaning against the wall next to my door was a annoyed looking Jensen. "Bug. Got a crush there?" Holohove said without the slightest smirk. Was he kidding?!

"Hes an artist.... I am a badass..... Not that it is any of your concern." I said snidely, entering my room.

But before I could Jensen grabbed my door handle and pulled the door back shut.  The door locked automatically so I had to grab my keys and unlock it again.

I swing the door open again only to have it shut in my face again.

I huff and turn to Jensen annoyed.

"What do you want Holohove?!" I whisper yell knowing people are probably studying or napping.

"I want you to stop seeing him."

"Steven?" I ask. Jensen confirms with a nod.

"Why don't you try and stop me? You don't own me. I'm not even your girlfriend!" I snap angrily. I regret it immediately seeing his expression soften into almost a depressed look. He then tenses up again and glares.

"No but your my m-" he stops.

"Your what?" I ask.

"Nothing night." He vanishes into thin air.

What was wrong with him?! His what?

What is happening?

Everything changed on my 18th birthday.

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