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I sit cross legged on my bed, pencil in mouth as I study Greek translation. I had 10 pages that needed to be translated in ancient Greek by tomorrow.

That was not by any means my strongest subject.

I hear a light tap on the door. I look over at my roomie who was obviously still ignoring me. She sat silently on her bed and continue to read her book on plants.

I sigh and walk to the door. I open to reveal an empty hallway.

"Real cute guys." I say sarcastically to the empty hallway.

"Not nearly as cute as you though, Bug."

I jump back hearing the whisper in my ear. I turn around to see a giggling Sandy and a tall, proud, muscular idiot.

I cross my arms ready to say a few choice words but am interrupted with. "Wanna hang?"

"No boys in the rooms!" Sandy whispers loudly.

"Fineeee." Jensen says, hanging his head. "We'll be on the balcony." He says smiling.

Sandy sighs, getting back to her reading.

I follow Jensen on the balcony as he looks out at my hell of a view.

You got a great look at the far off ocean that was miles and miles away but seemed so close to touch.

"Okay so I will admit something." Jensen begins. "You ARE hard to get."

I raise my eye brows, gesturing to go on.

"And I'll give you some points. I mean it must be hard." confused I tilt my head.

"You know, trying to resist this."

"You conceited, Bastard." I say punching his shoulder.

"I guess you could call that, a Slug Bug." he said jokingly. That was his sad attempt at a pun.

I just rolled my eyes.

I looked out my gorgeous view.

"Hey, Bug?"


"You are beautiful."

Excuse me!? No sir. Stop right there, I don't need that bull crap. You are too attractive. I mean we had only known each other for less than 48 hours.

Was get tying to get with me to hurt me. I had to toughen up and stand my ground. I couldn't let him breach past my safe zone, called my emotions.

"Hey, Bug?"

"Yesss?" I say semi annoyed.

"Do you think I am beautiful?"  he asks with his smirk.

I am about to smack this annoying but adorable boy in the face.

He sits up from leaning on the ledge, and begins nearing me.

"I asked you a question." he says smiling nearing me.

He was getting closer. What was he doing? Was he going to disappear again?

Hes just an arms length away. I throw out my arm to get him to stop. But he continues forward. Pressing his chest to my palm.

He is getting too close now, and I just freeze.

"Ya know," He breathes. "Last time we were this close, you shoved a knife in my chest."

"Yeah, I did. Wanna relive that?" I reply

"Ouch girl. Yeah it is probably time I go to bed.

Have to rest up the arm you almost dislocated." he said exaggerating.

I nod. "Night, Bug." Jensen says walking through my room to the door. Leaving me staring at the stars breathless and deep in thought.

I didn't have time for distraction. This was survival.


The next day went pretty fast. I avoided Jensen as to not loose grasp of my instinct. Everything I ever really liked was taken from me in the past. and I had to work to make sure that home, was not on the list.

I had been exceeding in my war tactics class and of course MMA.  Ancient runes and languages was a struggle but I managed. I ignored all flirtatious stares thrown at me by Jensen and continued forward.


Second day of "Survival" I was just leaving MMA to have dinner and spend the rest of my night scanning over war tactics books, for my huge quiz that they were giving me to test our skills to see if we were ready to move forward in the subject.

I was stopped by a familiar figure flashing in front of me. I rolled my eyes and walked around him.

"Hey what gives?!" he shouted at me as I speed walked down the hall.

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