The Nonexistent

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"OUCH! REAAALLLL FUNNY!" I yell to the jerk in the car that just quickly sped past me, thinking that my beg for a ride was an extended gesture for a high five.  I throw my bag back over my shoulder with a sigh and continue forward to God knows where. A journey to look for a place I belong, a future?

Sounds pathetic I know. But when your mom tells you to pack up your things before she calls the police, and shoves you out the door yelling things at you in Chinese that roughly translate to "hell beast" or "demon". Then I think I get on little leeway on the whole pathetic thing.

Well you would think I had a father who might stand up for me and tell my mom she was completely insane. But you would be wrong because my dad was just as insane. In fact I hadn't seen him in seven years. I had been traveling since the age of 12 and today was my 5th year on the road.

After leaving my beautiful rice farm behind I made it to Hong Kong and was discovered there by and American doctor. He realized I was homeless and had no way of getting food or anything. He was soon traveling back to America and decided he would take me there where I would have a better future. I jumped at this but he said all he could do was get me over there, and he did smoothly because he was a high ranking doctor over there. But after he got me there he handed me hundred dollars and told me "Make your future kid." and that was the last I saw of him. 

Now traveling New York keeping away from humans was nearly impossible.  I look through a window at a electronics store and see on one of the televisions, "Another homeless man was found dead in Central park this morning. Police are saying these are animal encounters with what appears to be a very large cat. Please stay indoors at night until officials discover the creature. Zoos have been checked for any missing animals, but none have been reported as of yet."

                    Good thing he was scum.  I warned him.

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