Chapter Four

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At the industrial building, Damon, Kendrix, Maya and Kai were held captive as the four were confronted by Trakeena, Furio, Deviot and the Psycho Rangers but not for long as explosion appeared behind them as  Leo appeared out of nowhere.

Red Galaxy Ranger: " Did  I missed the party?"

Kai Chen: " Hey, it's Leo."

Kendrix Morgan: " Leo."

Trakeena: " Right on time."

Then, Andros showed up.

Red Galaxy Ranger: " I brought an old friend."

Red Space Ranger: " Long time no see old hags."

Evil Psycho Red: " You!"

Trakeena: " Two red rangers! We're down to the history."

Red Space Ranger: " Sorry pals, you freaks will be your downfall dumb donkeys."

Trakeena looks at the Psychos.

Trakeena: " Make me proud."

Evil Psycho Red: " Time for some Psycho Ranger Rumble!"

Red Space Ranger: " Let's lured them out."

Red Galaxy Ranger: " Great idea."

Andros and Leo rushed off as the five evil Psychos chased them.

Manwhile, Hannah and Rhea were heading into the other side of the building along with Mike.

Magna Defender: " Let's get them."

Mike, Hannah and Rhea attacked the Stingwingers.

Maya: " It's Mike and who are those two would-be newbies disguising as the Psychos."

Psycho Yellow: " Psycho Slinger!"

Psycho Pink: " Psycho Bow!"

Mike, Hannah and Rhea blasted the force field system as the four rangers freed as Kendrix, Maya, Damon and Kai were came to the three.

Kai Chen: " Great job Mike. Who is that girls with you?"

Hannah and Rhea demorphed.

Rhea: " Relax. We are also allies."

Kendrix  Morgan: " I know you two. You, re the new visitor in Terra Venture."

Damon Henderson: " You know them Kendrix?"

Kendrix  Morgan: " Yes  I do."

Rhea: " There isn't much time. We have to destroy those  Psychos as soon as possible."

Hannah: " They read every ranger's moves. Trakeena must have modified them and strengthened them in order to counter the Galaxy Rangers."

Kai Chen: " You two really have morphers."

Damon Henderson: " Can I know your names?"

Hannah: " I'm Hannah."

Rhea: " I'm Rhea."

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