5| Chocolate Bar

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The day has come. Well, it's only a few hours. 

Anyway, the time -yeah, that's perfect- has come. I sat in the same spot I sat last week and the same as the others. His parents came and sat between him, which is in front of me. His father gives some heading words before we begin the discussion (I don't know if that was important to begin with, but it's not like I care. The longer, the better). 

My gaze was completely at my hands, that are playing with an unopened chocolate bar I got last night. When I took a peek at him, his eyes were also at the chocolate bar. What's so special about this chocolate bar I've been playing while hearing his father's speech?


"Here," he handed the fist and opened it in front of me. Apparently the red plastic was the chocolate bar he had been holding from earlier, and he handed it to me.

Should I take it? And why does he give it to me? "Is this a bribe?" I asked.

He looks away. As if he suddenly gets shy out of nowhere. "No, it's just my habit. As an apology and persuasion, I think," and he handed it closer to me.

So I took it. Because I don't want him to keep his hand up too long towards me, it really looks like we are bribing. But when I looked at the chocolate bar, it reminded me of Valentine's Day. "How is this supposed to make me like you?"

"I never say it's a 'confess' chocolate bar," he lifted an eyebrow. "It just... take it. As whatever you wanted to see it," then he turns, heading his way to his car.

I never understand that guy.

"That's a good closing from you!" I yelled. It's sarcasm. The way he turns around in the middle of our conversation could give a big clap for him. I want to do it, but the chocolate bar hinders me from doing it.

"I know!" he yelled back. When he arrived at his Mercedes, he faced me and lifted his palms up. "Goodnight," and nodded.

How formal.

But well, I replied the same, the words, the hands and the nod. 


Now, when our eyes met, his lip pressed together and looked away. 

He recognised the chocolate bar I'm holding, and I am planning to bring this chocolate bar to today's meeting. There is no reason to look at his reaction. Haha.

"Fatimah?" A sudden call that makes me startled. My eyes caught up to the summoner, which is his father. The one he said,'you don't know him, Fatimah'. I still have no idea what he meant by his dad's behaviour, but then, maybe family knows the worst of them? Not me to care. 

His dad looked so professional in some way. Maybe in how he talks, or how act. Although I'd see him on the TV and news for his achievements or something. Looking all the way back, he'd talk about how he started all of this, and one of it is because of his wife. Mrs Zahrah over there, ladies! 

Some common reason how family is the fact for his achievement that I'm not that interest to talk about. 

But the one thing that I'm really surprised about was they married before twenty! Mr Hakim was 19, and Mrs Zahrah was 18 at those times and married even before my father did. And now, they're still together for more than 30 years. How strong was their relationship?

By that, I guessed Saifullah wasn't wrong about his family tradition. Plus, his parents married in their adolescence. How... 'Wow' is that?

"Yes?" I replied.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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