Alone (Chapter one)

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Kai s pov.
Death as far as the eyes can see war between topside and the lanes black fog showing how polluted the air is.

Kai:I hold my dead father in my hands crying iam sorry father I failed you fear grabs me by the throat scared I  put father down slowly and start running.

Vanders pov.

Vander:This wasn't supposed to happen he says as he hold two girls in his arms.

Suddenly a young boy starts running towards him.

Kai's pov.
Kai:I run aimlessly when I see a man with two girls in his arms.Sir I need to get out of here.

???:Don't worry boy I will help what's your name?

Kai:Kai.. kai chisaki!

Vander:Kai hey Iam vander follow me I will get you to safety.

Readers pov.
We see kai and vander walking through the warzone what will become of kai.

Timeskip 10 years.

Kai:Don't you think this is a bad idea.

Vi:Dont you think vander would of done the same thing.

Kai:Yes but he would have had more experience.

Mylo:The more you tow argue the less time we have.

Kai and vi stare at him.

Kai and the team run from roof to roof.

Vi:Well we arrived guys.

Vi runs and then jumps to the apartment.

Kai:Tch my turn he runs and shots a wire into the wall and land.

The rest land until it's powders turn.

Vi:You can do it powder.

Powder:I can't.

Vi:I will catch you.

Powder starts to run and jumps but misses her mark until vi catches her.

Vi:You did good.

Powders face is shocked.

Kai:Well now can we carry on.

Mylo:I will get the door.

Kai:Taking to long.

Vi then kicks the door in.

Kai:Damn animal.

Vi ignores his comment.

Vi:Everyone grab what's valuable we have to be quick.

Kai:Tch I will be with powder to make sure she doesn't drop anything.

Powdered:Pulls her tongue.

Vi:Ok but make it quick.

Kai and powder leave to the other room.

Powder:Sees a sandwich on a table and picks it up want some she says with a full mouth.

Kai:Looks at her no thanks.

Powder:More for me.

Kai:Well it seems you got this handled I will check on his far the others are.


Kai leaves to the other room.

Kai:He wipes his finger on the door filthy. How's it coming.

Vi:Almost done.

Suddenly the door handle turn.

Kai:Runs to the door with a chair and puts it under the handel.

Vi:We need to go powder!

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