A one way road (Chapter 5)

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Kai:This place is starting to fall apart.

Vi collapses from her fight with the goons damnit.

Kai:We will all die if we dont  get out of here.

Vander:Let's get out here.

Silco:Your not getting out of here alive Silco stabs Vander in the back.

Kai:No suddenly a explosion blows him and Vi out of the window.

Kai:Not like this he even if you are dirt Vander still needs you he shields Vi with his body.

Time slows down as debris shower down.

Kai feels someone hugging him close.

Vander is seen pulling the both of them close before they hit the ground.

White is all that kai can see.

Littel time skip after the explosion.

Vi:What happend.

Kai:Vander where are you!

Kai is shocked at what he finds.

Vander is seen under some debris bleeding out.

Kai:No Vander!

Vi:Tries to help Vander out of the rubble.

Vander:Both of you stop I need you to listen this is the end of the road for me Vi do me a favour take care of powder you guys need to stick together.

Vi:Sheds some tears I promise I will Vander.

Vander:And kai this maybe hard but you need to destroy this corrupted defeat Silco I am sure he will try to take over topside and lastly I need you to kill me the pain is unbearable end my suffering.

Kai:Void of most emotiom I promise to kill him and thank you for looking after me all these years clocks him gun goodbye dad!

Aims his gun.

Vander:Smiles goodbye son.


Kai's pistol goes of killing Vander.

Kai:May you rest in peace.

Vi:He didn't have to die!

Kai:So what you wanted him to suffer we need to get out here the enforcers may come.

Vi:Your.. right we need to go.

???:I did it I my monkey bomb was a success don't you think vi it finally worked.

Kai:Shocked you threw that bomb.


Powder:To save everyone.

Kai:You fool! Everyone is dead because of you.

Powder:Shocked what do you mean sees Vander that wasnt supposed to happen.

Vi:Punches powder do you have any idea what you have done.

Kai:Aims his gun at powder your punshment should be death I swear one day you will die!

Vi:You are no longer my sister you are dead to me.

Both of them start to walk there seperate ways.

Powder:Please dont leave me Vi Kai please stay don't leave she starts to cry.

Kai:This is where we depart ways Vi.

Vi:Stays silent goodbye she says with tears

Powder:Please dont go!

Vi:Leaves into a dark alley.

Kai:Goes into the mist.

With powder.

Powder:They both left me.

???:Yes that they did I can take you in.

Powder:Scared who are you.

Silco:Your new alley come with me and we shall take vengace on those fools.

Powder:Smiles yes we shall.

Silco:Exellent your name shall be jinx from now on.

Jinx:I've always been a jinx.
Both of them leave.

With kai.

Kai:Boys iam back.


Toya: Welcome.

Krono:Smiles so what's the plan kai.

Kai:We gather more allies kill Silco and cut out the diseases on topside and the lanes two birds with one stone how does it sound.

Toya:Iam on board.

Mimic:I am with you all the way.

Krono:Sounds grand what name shall we go under.

Kai:Glad you asked krono we shall be known as the shie hassaki and you all shall be my bullets.Someone still owes me my favour and I want to cash it lets go boys.

Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi Author writing this chapter.

At the council.

The door opens showing kai.

Mel Meranda:So I see that you've made your decision what is it you wish.. but before you answer I know those responsible disappeared including the enforcers sent don't worry I know what you said was the truth we got a report of a explosion in the lanes

Kai:What happend was not my responsibility but the answer to you question my wish is..

Kai:That I get to be the leader of my own group of enforcers I get the to choose anyone I mean anyone into it and the resources needed to run it.

Mel Meranda:If that is all you wish consider it yours.

Kai:No strings attached.

Mel Meranda:Of course not tomorrow it will be made official thanl you for your help.

Kai:Thank you for giving your side of the deal.

Mel Meranda:See you Tommorow for your badges and uniform.

Kai:Well tommorow it is good night.

Mel Meranda:Goodnight.

Kai leaves the council room.

Mel Meranda: Interesting out of all the things he chose that.

Kai:My plan is coming together slowly but surely we will get there boys!

Kai:To anew life.

Everyone:A new life!

That's is for this chapter sorry for the late update thank you for all the support

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