I gain and I lose(Chapter 3)

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Kai:Starts shooting at a dummy damnit why the hell did they have to mess that up.

Mimic:Calm down boss please I understand you upset.

Krono:But what's done is done we will survive iam sure.

Kai:Breaths well we can't be to carefree let's go out I need air.


Mimic jumps on Kais shoulder.

Kai:Well what to do.

Krono:Well I say we hit the... I got nothing.

Suddenly a man is is seen crawling slowly on the floor.

Kai:I got a idea follow me.


Kail looks down at the man the man has tattered clothing dirty blonde hair and a figure that shows he hasn't eaten or drinken.

???:Help me please he says with a raspy voice.

Kai:What is your name?

Toya:Toya setsuno.

Kai:I will help you on one condition.

Toya:And what will that be he says slowly.

Kai:You offer yourself to my plan you will help build the road to the top.

Krono:Boss are you sure.

Kai:We can't create the ideal world without a few pieces.

Toya:Is that all you ask from me my loyalty?

Kai:Yes your loyalty if I tell you to take a bullet you take it if I say jump you jump do you comply with these conditions.

Toya:I Toya setsuno offer my soul and loyalty to you may I ask the name of my Savior?

Kai:Kai chasaki that's it enough here he hands Toya a bottle of water.

Toya:Thank you thank you he says with tears.

In a quick notion he drinks the water finished.

Toya:Slowly gets up and bows  thank you boss you saved me.

Kai:We are done toya let's get something for you to eat get washed up and a weapon for you to defend me with with sound good.

Toya:Ofcourse boss.

Krono:Well I guess welcome to the team he holds his hand out the names krono.

Toya:Nice to meet you.

Mimic:Well the boss gave the ok but if you don't do your job he pulls out a gun I will kill you.

Toya:Smiles Ofcoure!

Kai:Well let's go my pillars.

Everyone:Yes sir!

Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi author wanting to join Kai's gang.

Kai:Well we are here krono show Toya around.

Krono:With me.


10mins later Toya comes out clean with a green shirt black tie and pants.

Kai:Well since you feel better here he hands Toya a sword and a face mask.

Toya bows and takes them.

Toya:I promise to put my life on the life boss.

Kai:Well I can't have you dieing we all need to be alive to see the new world.

Suddenly everyone's stomach starts to rumble.

Reaching Utopia Overhaul male reader x arcaneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें