A new recruit (chapter 6)

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Kai:The council is bringing a fresh recruit a expert marks man so treat her with respect got it.

Mimic:Why's everyone looking at me.

Toya:We know how you feel about new people.

Mimic:Can't blame me for trying to be cautious now can you.

Krono:Can't argue with that.

Everyone shares a laugh.

Kai:Well guys treat her with respect understand.

Everyone:Understood sir.

A knock is heard on the door.

Kai:Let me he opens the door to show a blue haired girl.

???:Sorry sir you didn't have to get up!
She salutes.

Kai:At is Caitlyn is that ok.

Caitlyn:Ofcourse sir.

Kai:Well at ease he goes to shake her hand.

Suddenly mimic comes running with a bottle of hand sanitizer them backflips over both there hands and sprays disinfectant on her hands.

Kai:Sorry about my gaurd he tends to get over protective.

Mimic:Boss you know when someone touches your skin it starts to have marks on it he comes out in a rash.

Caitlyn:I see well iam cailtyn a new recruit hopeing to serve.

Kai:Well cailtyn we where on our way to capture some fools trying to smuggle in some oze we are going there to burn thier supply but l will be honest here we are a team no lies lurk here.

Caitlyn:Understood sir teamwork is based on trust I hope that is the case on duty.

Toya:Oh the new recruit names Toya can't wait to see what you can do.

Krono:Sigh sorry about him welcome to the team.

Caitlyn:Pleasure to meet you all.

Kai:Well gear up that oze isn't going to burn it'self.

Kai:Equips his rifle and pistol then puts on his captains coat and last but not least his plague mask.

Everyone else is done waiting outside.

Kai:Let's go out first mission!

Caitlyn:"He seems to be a great leader can't wait to do this mission.

Kai:The ship will be picking us up we just need to capture the thugs destroy the product is that understood.

Everyone:Understood sir!

Kai:It's here everyone board it.

Small timeskip brought to you by Chibi Mimic giving Caitlyn a stink eye.

Krono:There they are.

Kai:Well everyone we will be shot at if we try to land so we jump.

Suddenly kai jumps out the ship.

Caitlyn:What the!

Krono:You will get used he jumps next.

Mimic:Wait for me he runs with his small legs  wee!

Toya:Oh well he goes next.

Caitlyn:Shocked by them jumping.

Caitlyn:They are crazy!

She jumps out to.

Kai:Everyone open wings.

Everyone opens it.

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