Did he just-?

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"FUCK MY LIFE" - Pauline when her computer broke on this beautiful rainy day :)

She has been looking for a roommate for a while, but haven't found the one ( thats so fucking clingy). Her last roommate died bc like yeah and she wants another one.

Until she found Asher.

Pauline went on her phone to look for roommates there on craigslist or some shit and she came across a gorgeous brunette.

" fuck my life he's hot" She murmured, and pressed on his profile, which said:

Hey I'm Asher and I'm willing to be someones roommate. Call me if ur interested ( would be cool if its a girl ;) )

" Perfect", so Pauline called him and he answered.:

"Who's this??"
" heyy i saw ur add and im looking for a roommate. My name is Pauline."
"Oh cool im Asher"
"Wanna meet up so i can see you n shit?"
" Uh okay 7 pm at starbucks"
"Okay see you!"
"Yep bye"
*puts the phone down*
"Seems normal" - She thinks.
                           7 PM COMES
"Jesus fuck its cold"- she mumbles while walking to the café.

Then she sees him.

"Hi! We spoke on the phone :) im Pauline"

His eyes wonders over the shaking girl and quickly responds with a low voice :
There are some uncommon seconds before they both walk in to get something warm.

As they order their coffee, Asher says: " ill pay."

What a gentlemen, Paula thought, or at least she " thought" ( ha see what i did there)

They both sit down and start the small talk with questions like where are you from, bla bla bla.

It looked like Asher wasn't listening, but then out of no where he asked : " u a virgin?"

She stares at him with a red face while he is looking at her with a smirk.
"U-h yea??"
She said.


She thought  : Did he just-

when they finished their coffee, he said: " Ill see you tomorow, darling."


This is so cringe im gonna piss myself.

Anyway next chapter will be with some povs and shit

Pauline Del RessoWhere stories live. Discover now