Little fucker

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POV Pauline

"Darling?" I  quietly murmured when he walked away.

Few hours later I  was on my best friends Summers bed with Noah explaining them what happened.

"HE CALLED YOU DARLING?" summer screamed.

Noah was pretty jealous and he was like :" if he hurts you imma hurt him"
" baddie 🤪🤪" - i said

" shut the fuck up P im serious" Noah argued with me.
" Yeah ok  sure "

Me and Noah both slept the night at summers, and in the morning summer woke me up screaming : " WAKE UP BITCHASS U GOTTA SEE ASHER TODAY"

fuck me.

Anyways when i was packing my shit at home, i got a call .

"Open the door mofo im stuck"
I ran to the door and opening it, seeing the brunette soaked in rain, dripping his fine ass all over my fine ass carpet.
" what the actual fu- SORRY come in 😊" i smiled and i made him some tea.

POV Asher

She made me some tea while i got undressed.
I put all of my bags on the carpet that was near the kitchen.
She turned around and screamed : " Little fucker!" " Thats my new fucking carpet!"

I looked at her unamused and took off my boots.  I sat down soaking wet on her couch and i heard her yelling at me but i was so tired i slowely dozed off.


POV Pauline

No fucking way-
I thought.
He fell asleep. ON MY FUCKING COUCH.
I tried to wake him but the fucker kept sleeping.
I tried to pull him up. I almost fell but i got him to my room since it was closer, cuz the fucker was like 400 pounds and tall as a fucking building.

I dropped him on my bed. And said "fuck this shit im so tired. "
So i went to sleep on the couch. Few hours later. I woke up next to HIM.

Sorry these are pretty short but stop complaining you dicks and just read

Pauline Del RessoWhere stories live. Discover now