Chapter One

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Queen Aleena Pov.

        After the defeat of Doctor Robotnik, peace has return to Mobotropolis, people who were roboticized were officially de-roboticized, and I was finally reunited my children and brother-in-law.  My daughter Sonia had fallen in love with a brave hedgehog named Cloud, after she broke up with Bartleby, and my youngest son Manic fallen in love with a healer doctor named Sonar the long-eared hedgehog. Sadly, for my oldest son, Sonic, he still wonders if he ever finds his true love, which always reminded me if my husband is alive or not. Then one day the Oracle reveal to me about what happen to my husband.
The Oracle: When your husband was about to fight Robotnik, I appeared and stopped him in time. Then I revealed to him about the prophecy that I have shown you and told him that for the prophecy to fulfilled, he had to leave Mobotropolis, but I promise him that one day he will be reunited with his family once again, but there still is a price, your highness.
        For me and my children to be reunited with my husband once again, I had to send my son, Sonic, to the kingdom of Knothole. Even though it was the hardest choice that I had to do again, I knew it was the only way to be reunited with the love of my life and to train my son to be the next ruler of Mobotropolis.
        After Sonic said goodbye to his family and friends, he headed off to Knothole on his own, without no one noticing him, and not knowing that there is a stranger, who looks like a wolf in an armor, following him. When Sonic arrived, he didn't want anyone to know he's a prince, since he is not use to the royal line yet like his siblings. So, he used some rock n roll closed and a brown scarf in which his mother gave for his father as a gift to his hide his medallion, so that no one would recognize him. Meanwhile, two Acorn siblings named Prince Elias and Princess Sally were seeing the view of their village until they heard a beautiful rhythm, and that's when they came across Sonic, who is playing his guitar that his uncle gave him.

Elias:(Gives Sonic Money) That's a nice rhythm you got there, sir.
Sonic: Thanks, my uncle taught it to me when I was just a kid.
Elias: Well, seems like your uncle has got talent.
Sonic:(Smirks) Anyway what's your name?
Elias: I am Prince Elias, and this is my sister, Princess Sally.
Sonic:(Bows down) It's an honor to meet ya'll your highnesses. My name is.... (Thinks) (Had an idea) Thunderbolt the Hedgehog, and I'm from Mobotropolis.
Sally: So, you know the royal hedgehog family then?
Sonic: Yah, I fought along with them. I'm guessing you find Prince Sonic very attractive.
Sally: Well, he's not my type of guy.
Sonic: Huh?
Sally: You see, I have heard many accomplishments he had done with his siblings, but I also heard that his ego could sometimes be annoying.
Sonic: Oh, okay. Well see yah. (Leaves upset)
Sally: Hey, do you have somewhere to sleep? We could offer you a place to stay.
Sonic: No thank you, I'll be fine.

        After Sonic left, he felt very surprised to hear that a princess doesn't find him attractive and wondered if he will ever meet his future queen and why his mother send him here. During nighttime, when Sonic was asleep, the Oracle visited him in his dreams.

(Sonic's Dream)

The Oracle: Sonic, your destiny awaits.
Sonic: Oracle?! W-Where am I?
The Oracle: Fear not my boy, you are still asleep. Apparently, we are in your mind.
Sonic: Wow! Is everything okay with my family back home?
The Oracle: They are fine. I just came to tell you that this journey will prepare you to become the next king of Mobotropolis, but you are not alone in this journey.
Sonic: Yea, I know, I got Uncle, Mom, Manic, Sonia, and the other Freedom Fighters.
The Oracle: You also have a father.
Sonic:(Shock) Wait are you saying that my father is alive! But where is he?
The Oracle: He is close, but to find him, you must pass these four tests that he has prepared for you. But don't worry you will be helped by a hero before you named the Wolf Knight on your two tests.
Sonic: Why only two tests?
The Oracle: Because the first test involves you earning the trust of the Royal Acorn family, even though it involves revealing your identity, and the last test is a test that will prove if you are destined to become a king or not.
Sonic: But what if I don't earn their trust?
The Oracle: Then you'll have to keep trying. Good luck, Prince Sonic.

        After the Oracle left, Sonic woke up wondering if this was all a dream or not. So, he went off to find the royal Acorn kids again and earn their trust, even though he does not want to reveal whom he really is after what Princess Sally said about his ego. When he arrived to a well to get something to drink, he saw a group of thieves hurting Sally and Elias while they were defending a young two tail fox. So, he decided to help them by using his speed to spin them around until they get dizzy. After the thieves fell to the ground, the royal guards came and arrested them. Elias and Sally were amazed by Sonic heroism, that they decided to invite him to their castle.

Sally: Excuse me, Thunderbolt, right?
Sonic: Yah, that's me.
Sally: Where did you learn that trick?
Sonic: Sonic, taught it to me.
Sally: Sonic?
Sonic: Yah, he's not a bit of a jerk once you get to know him better.
Sally: Well, anyway, me and my brother were wondering if you would like to come live with us in the castle.
Sonic: I don't know. Since I've been fighting against Robotnik, some rich people have been trying to trick Freedom Fighters into falling in their traps.
Sally: I promise you that me and my family won't try to trick you.
Sonic: Okay, let's go. By the way, who's this little guy?
Tails: Miles Prower, but my friends call me Tails.
Sonic: Nice to meet you kid. I have a feeling that you are going to be a true hero someday.
Tails: You really mean it?
Sonic: Of course, I do, kid. Besides, I started out as a coward, before. Until someone inspired me to be hero. (Leaves with Sally, Tails, and Elias)
(Meanwhile) (In the Oracles cave)
Queen Aleena/The Oracle: (Watches Sonic in a vision)
Queen Aleena: Are you sure he'll be, okay? Sonic has been through ruff time since he lost his adopted parents.
The Oracle: Of course, your highness, and besides, he is being watched by someone whom you love. (Showed Queen Aleena her husband, Jules, spying on Sonic in his wolf knight armor.)
Queen Aleena: (Starts to cry with happiness) I should have known.

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