Chapter Two

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Queen Aleena Pov.

        Some say that love can hurt, and some say that love can be so mysterious that it just instantly fades away. But what I think of love is that it is the important duty of caring for others and being part of a family. As for my son, Sonic, he must learn one of the most important things to pass his first test. "Love."

        After being accepted to live in Knothole by Sally and Max's parents, Sonic was given a tour by Sally, even though he started to have feelings for her but in secrets. He also started to live with Tails family, although he sometimes had this strange feeling that he is being watched.


Sonic: (Couldn't Sleep)
Tails: Hey Thunderbolt, why are you still awake?
Sonic: I can't sleep.
Tails: Still thinking about your family?
Sonic: Yep. You know even though I left my home after being reunited with them, I really missed them so much.
Tails: Maybe you can go visit them sometimes. I'm sure the king won't mind you visiting your kingdom.
Sonic: Thanks, Tails.
Tails: Your welcome, and quick question. Do you have a crush on Aunt Sally?
Sonic: (Nervous) What makes you say that?
Tails: Well, you always have been hanging around with her, after we take a break from training.
Sonic: (Blushes) Well...I only hang out with her because I sometimes get bored. That's all.
Tails: (Smirks) Whatever you say. Well, goodnight, Thunderbolt.
Sonic: Um...goodnight.
After Sonic trained Tails, he went to take a run but not in his speed, until he saw Sally, and saw the opportunity to ask her out.
Sonic: Hey Sally!
Sally: Thunderbolt?
Sonic: How you've been?
Sally: I'm fine thank you. I was just making sure that everyone is okay since they were a bit worried when Robotnik took over Mobotropolis. So, how have you been?
Sonic: Fine, thank you. Anyway, do you want to hang out? I'm kind of have nothing to do right now, since Tails went to his workshop.
Sally: Sure. Since I have nothing to do. Where do you think we should go?
Sonic: How about we get something to eat at the diner.
Sally: Well okay, but I'll be paying since you are still new to Knothole.
Sonic: Okay, lets go. (Grabs Sally's hand)

        After they ate in a dinner, Sonic saw the opportunity to tell Sally how he feels about her, until an evil sorcerer name Naugus came and started to attack them. But Sonic was able to avoid being hit while carrying Sally. When Sally was seeing how Sonic has been protecting her, she began to have feelings for after seeing how much he cared about her. After being safe and sound, Sonic took Sally back to the castle safe and sound and headed back to the Prowers house.

Tails: Hey Thunderbolt, where have you been?
Sonic: I was hanging around with Sally.
Tails: Oh, you and Aunt Sally.
Sonic: Nothing happen we were just friends hanging out that's all.
Tails: Whatever you say. Oh, by the way, me and my friends are going to the carnival. Do you want to come?
Sonic: Sure
The next day, Tails and Sonic catch up with Prince Elias, Princess Sally, Rotor, Antoine, Bunnie, and Megan, Elias's girlfriend.
Tails: Hi guys!
Bunnie: Hi Tails and Thunderbolt, glad to see you guys could make it on time.
Rotor: Are you guys ready to have some fun?
Thunderbolt: Yah!

        When Sally saw Sonic, she felt a bit shy to even talk to her. When Elias notice, his sister is trying to hide from Sonic, he had an idea that would make Sally to confess her love to Sonic.

Elias: Hey guys, wanna go to the tunnel of love?
Sally: (Blushes) (Gets angry at Elias for what he just said.)
Everyone: Yeah sure!
Elias: Great!
Sally: (Gets upset)
When Sonic and Sally were on the same boat, and trying to enjoy view, Sally decided to confess Sonic her feelings to him.
Sally: Thunderbolt?
Sonic: Yeah?
Sally: Can I tell you something?
Sonic: Sure, what's on your mind?
Sally: You. (Kiss Sonic)
Sonic: (Shock) (Kiss back)
Sonic/Sally: (Broke the kiss)
Sally: (Couldn't believe what she just did.) I-I'm sorry!! I never meant to...
Sonic: (Kiss Sally)
Sally: (Kiss back)

        As Sonic and Sally kept on kissing, they notice that the camera just took their picture of them kissing, which made them very embarrassed. When the ride was over, all their friends laughed because they saw the picture.

Megan: Did you guys really kissed?
Sonic: Ha! W-What are you talking about?
Elias: Common Thunderbolt you and Sally looked like you really enjoyed it.
Sally: (Angry) Fine! Yes, we did kiss! If you ever do something like this to me, I will hit you in the head!
Elias: (Scared) Okay, I won't bother you again.
Megan: But hey! At least you finally got him to be yours now.
Sally: (Embarrassed) Megan!
After playing some games at the carnival, Sonic and Sally went out to get something to eat and have a little chat with each other.
Sonic: And that's how I ended up with an injured arm.
Sally: (Laughs) You know, when we first met, I was impressed to meet a Mobian from another kingdom. But after you save my life from Naugus, I notice how protective you were for my safety. That's probably why I fell for you.
Sonic: (Blush) R-Really?
Sally: Yes, I really do like that about you. (Holds Sonic's hand) Don't forget that.
Sonic: (Smiles)
Sonic/Sally: (Kiss)

(At the top of the building)

The Oracle/Wolf Knight: (Watches how happy Sonic is.)
The Oracle: (Chuckles) It seems that the future king has finally found his future queen.
Wolf Knight: Reminds me how happy I was with Aleena. Oracle, do you really believe that I will be reunited with my family once again?
The Oracle: Of course, your son is about to pass his first step, the truth.
Wolf Knight: (Takes off his helmet and reveals to be King Jules.) How are my family back in Mobotropolis?
The Oracle: They are fine and hoping that you and Sonic will come back home safe.
Wolf Knight: Well, if you ever see them, tell them that I love them and that someday, we will be reunited.

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