Chapter Three

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Queen Aleena Pov.

        The truth could sometimes be very difficult to tell and could be very hard to keep it as a secret. Some say that telling the truth is the right thing to do. Some would say that the truth would set them free. As for my son, Sonic, he must do what a true king should do. Be honest to one another.

        A few days later, after Sonic and Sally became couples, everyone began to suspect that Sonic has been acting strange lately, because he has been making excuses to leave and had been gone for too long. The next day Sonic decided to leave the house early, until Tails spotted him leaving.

Tails: Thunderbolt! Where are you going?
Sonic: I'm...I somewhere to go. See ya. (Shuts the door)

        After Sonic left, Tails started to call Sally on the computer, because he and his friends had a plan to find out what has Sonic has been up to.

Sally: Hey Tails.
Tails: Hey Aunt Sally. Thunderbolt just left the house. I don't know where he's going, but I'm sure we'll know why he's been acting strangely.
Sally: Alright Tails. I'll see you later.

        When Sally spotted Sonic, she began to follow him, without him noticing he is being followed, until he stopped in a forest. When Sonic thought he was alone, he took off his scarf and began to use his medallion as a monograph to talk to his family. Sally was shock to see what she is seeing right now.

Aleena: Hello, Sonic, how have you been?
Sonic: I'm doing great, Mom, just been missing you a lot that's all. How are Manic and Sonia?
Aleena: They are doing fine as always. (Notice Sonic is upset) Is something bothering you?
Sonic: Its just that, I'm not sure if I will be ready to be ruler someday. Also, there is this great girl who turns out to be the daughter of the king of Knothole, and I'm not sure if she gets use to of finding out that her boyfriend is a prince.
Aleena: Sonic, don't ever let fear trouble you of becoming the next future king, and I know that the women you love would still love you just the way you are. I most go now, but we can talk again another day. I love you.
Sonic: I love you too Mom.

        When Sonic was about to leave, he saw Sally, who just came out of her hideout, and he notice that she was here the whole time and heard everything.

Sally: Thunderbolt? What are you hiding from us?
Sonic: (Backs away)
Sally: Please tell us. So, we can help you.
Sonic: No! Get away from me! (Runs away)
Sally: Thunderbolt wait! (Catches up to him and grabs him.)
Sonic: (Falls down to the ground) Sally! Let me go! Now!
Sally: No! I'm not letting you go! No! Not until you tell me the truth about all of this! Please, tell me the reason why you've been hiding this. Please.
Sonic: I just can't! I...
Sally: Please Thunderbolt, you can tell me. Please.
Sonic: (Starts to cry) I...I just...I can't do it...(Sniff)
Sally: Shhh. Just...let it out. I'm here for you (Keeps on hugging Sonic)
Sonic: (Kept on crying until he calms down)
Sally: Are you alright now?
Sonic: (Nods)
Sally: Good, now. Tell me, why were you hiding this from us?
Sonic: Because...I'm still not use to the royal title like my siblings are...and I don't want people to treat me like a prince.
Sally: A prince? (Shock) Wait, your Prince Sonic! OMG, I'm so sorry for you to hear those words I said I about you. If I had known it, was you, I...
Sonic: It's okay, I know you didn't mean it, but that's not the reason why I came here in the first place.
Sally: Then why are you here for?
Sonic: I am here for a mission, and are you sure you want to hear it?
Sally: I need to, to help you. Please, tell it to me. (Kiss Sonic)
Sonic: (Kiss Sally) Ok, you may have heard how my parents met and how me and siblings defeated Robotnik, but what you don't know is what actually happened to my father, King Jules.


        After Robotnik was defeated, Robotropolis was again called Mobotropolis and everyone who was roboticized were de-roboticized and reunited with their family and friends. My siblings and I were reunited with our mother once again, and of course our guardian, but we sometimes visit them. Even though we were happy once again, I've always wondered what really happen to my father and what was he like. But every time I ask my mother, she always gives me a sad look. Ever since my mother told me that I will be the king, I got worried because I was never raised by a royal family, even though my siblings will be there to support me. Then one faithful day, my mother came after visiting the Oracle.

Queen Aleena: My children's I have something to tell you!
Sonia: What is it, Mother?
Queen Aleena: The Oracle has told me that there is one more price that we must do.
Sonic: What price, Mom?
Queen Aleena: Sonic, you must go to Knothole to begin your training of becoming the next king of Mobotropolis.
Sonic/Manic/Sonia: WHAT!!!
Manic: Sonic must leave home! But why?
Queen Aleena: It is the only way to fulfil his destiny of becoming the next king of Mobotropolis. I'm so sorry, I wish there was another way, but I promise that we will be reunited once again. Manic, Sonia, would you two mind if I talk to your brother alone.
Sonia: Of course.
Manic/Sonia: (Leaves the room)
Queen Aleena: Look, Sweety, I know you are a bit worried about becoming the next ruler, I went through the same way when I became queen. But I had friends who supported me, and you will have your siblings to support you no matter what.
Sonic: I know, but its just that, what if I don't become a heroic king, like my dad.
Queen Aleena: Sonic, you are like your father, and every time I look at you in the eyes, I see your father inside of you.
Sonic: Really?
Queen Aleena: Really. You know, your father always reminds of what your grandfather use to say to me. A true leader don't have the best strength or looks, they have the biggest heart. You remember that, and you'll become a great king.
Sonic: Thanks, Mom. (Hugs Queen Aleena)

(End of Flashback)

Sonic: After I said goodbye to my family, I've decided to keep my royal line a secret, then I found out that my father is alive, and the only way for me to be reunited with my him is to pass four tests.
Sally: That must have been hard for you saying goodbye to your family.
Sonic: It was, but what really hurts the most is not telling others who I really am.
Sally: I understand Sonic, but I just want you to know that you can count on me to comfort you.
Sonic: Thanks, Sal. (Hugs Sally)
Sally:(Hugs back)
The Oracle:(Appears with a flash) Congratulations, Sonic, you have passed the first test of becoming a king.
Sonic: What's that?
The Oracle: Telling the truth. A true king should always tell the truth to others.
Sonic: Wow!
The Oracle: Now for your next, it will involve finding a stranger.
Sonic: A stranger?
The Oracle: Yes, here is the map. It will help you find your way. Good luck, Prince Sonic. (Vanish)
Sally: Who was that?
Sonic: That was The Oracle. Come on, I'll tell you all about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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