Chapter Three

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Laurel and Susannah had gathered the boys and Belly into the living room to speak them. They were both caught by surprised when they ran into Ramiro at the bookstore store earlier. The kids had not mention to them that Angelina had returned this summer. But when Ramiro started explaining to the both of them why the Flores didn't come by last summer, the moms figured the kids didn't know she was back. Ramiro plead to the moms to share what happened between him and his wife to the kids, hoping that will help Angelina return to her old self. Ramiro knew she would never speak about it herself.

"What's up, mom. Why did we have to stop what we are doing?" Steven asked loudly chewing on some chips. Belly rolled her eyes smacking his shoulder to shut him up.

Steven, Belly and Jeremiah were sitting together on the longer couch while Conrad sat by himself on the singular couch. Laurel and Susannah stood in front of them not really sure how to explain the situation but Ramiro has always been like family to them so they agreed to do this.

Laurel began, "We ran into Ramiro at Whale of a Tale earlier-"

Belly gasped as Steven cut off his mom, "wait you ran into Professor Flores? Here, today? That means." He paused looking over at Jeremiah and Conrad. "A is here?"

Conrad sunk down slightly slouching his shoulders not wanting Belly and Steven to find out he already knew Angelina was here and didn't tell them. Jeremiah was already pissed off at him but Angelina said herself, she'll come around when she's ready.

This time Susannah spoke, "yes, Angelina is here. And according to Ramiro, she has changed slightly since you guys have last seen here. The reason being for her change and why they didn't come by last summer was because Mrs. Flores cheated on Ramiro. It was a messy breakup from what he explained."

Belly gasped even louder quickly covering her mouth as Steven awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. Jeremiah eyes widen looking over towards Conrad wondering if he already knew. A part of him wished Conrad didn't know because then that would mean she's been in contact with him when she hadn't replied to any of his texts or calls.

Conrad grew a stern expression on his face. His body regaining composure as he leaned foward, "mom, I don't think you should be sharing this. If Lina didn't tell them, it was because she wasn't ready."

Them. Jeremiah felt his heart sank. Of course Conrad knew.

"Look, Ramiro wanted us to tell you kids cause he knows Angelina is going through a rough patch. He didn't want you guys thinking her new found coldness towards you was for any other reason. His words, not ours," Laurel spoke.

The moms left the living room leaving the kids head swirling with thoughts. Belly was heartbroken for Angelina. Her parents divorced but it wasn't for a tragic reason or a messy divorce. She couldn't imagine what Angelina was going through.

Steven spoke first, "we should go see her?"

Jeremiah was about to agree when Conrad stood up shaking his head, "no. I'll go see here, alone."

Jeremiah's jaw clenched but Belly stood speaking before he could, "she's our friend too! And we want to be there for her."

Conrad rolled his eyes at her child like dramatics. "She doesn't need you three walking over with pity in your eyes. That'll close her off more. I know Lina the best so I'll go."

This time Jeremiah scoffed loudly not being able to hold back any longer, "didn't you already catch up with her earlier over a smoke?"

Conrad narrowed his eyes at his younger brother. Great, now things were going to escalate further then what needed to be.

"Since when do you and Angie smoke?" Belly question with judgment clearly in her voice.

At the same time Steven asked, "you knew A was here and didn't tell us?"

Conrad shrugged his shoulders walking out of the living room, "it wasn't for me to tell."


Conrad pushed opened the back door to the Flores beach house knowing it would be unlock. He shut the door behind him entering the kitchen. Angelina was leaning against the kitchen counter pulling a cigarette out of the box. She let out a small laugh as she saw Conrad take a seat on the kitchen stool by the counter. The Flores girl stuck the cigarette stick behind her ear, she had her hair up in bun. "I was just about to go outside for a smoke, want to join?"

Conrad was hesitant, he didn't want to risk the chance of Belly, Jeremiah and Steven finding them. He wanted to find out what was going on with Angelina. "Why don't we just sit in here for now?"

Angelina raised an eyebrow at him and leaned over the counter closer to Conrad. "Care to explain to me why my dad told me your mom invited me to dinner tonight at your place?"

Conrad raised his hands in defense, "it wasn't me that told them you're here! The moms ran into your dad at the bookstore." Angelina sighed as Conrad continued, "He also told my mom to tell everyone about your parents situation."

Angelina let out a loud groan. "He said he wanted them to know cause he thinks that's why you're behaving the way you are."

"Wait, he mentioned to them about my behavior?" Angelina questioned.

"Yeah, he thinks your mom's affair was the reason you're acting the way you are." Angelina thought her dad didn't notice or cared for her attitude change and bad habits she picked up. "But that's not the reason why.. because you told me after a couple months, things got better. So what happened in between then and now?"

Angelina took a deep breath. She hasn't told anyone she knew. "My dad has lung cancer. He doesn't know I know and I don't think he wants to take treatment for it," her voice cracked slightly. She felt the tears building in her eyes and roughly grabbed the cigarette from behind her ear. "This. My dad never smoked once in his life and got lung cancer. I've been smoking these for the past 3 months. It's not fair," Angelina couldn't hold it back anymore, the tears started coming. Conrad quickly got off the stool walking to her. He pulled her into a hug as he wrapped his arms around her. Angelina cried into his chest not being able to control it anymore. The emotions she's been holding in by herself the last couple months have been overwhelming. "I haven't told anyone. Saying it out loud, just makes it feel so real."

Conrad held her tight laying his chin to rest on top her head. "My mom's cancer came back. She's doesn't know I know either. Jeremiah has no idea, I can't bring myself to tell him."

The two teenagers held each other tightly burden by the pain they can't share with anyone but themselves.

End of chapter notes:

Hello loves! Sorry for the lack of interactions between Jeremiah and Angelina these first few chapters but I wanted to build up the friendship between Conrad and Angelina first.

Hope you enjoyed.

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