Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jeremiah's bedroom window faces the Flores' beach house. He can't recall how many times he's stared out his window to see, no, hoping to catch, Angelina sitting on top of her roof beside her bedroom window. He only saw the side view of her but that was all he needed. She would sit there staring out towards the water while he sat by his bedroom window staring at her. Most of the time she was by herself throughout the years but sometimes Conrad would join her. Jeremiah always wished it was him by Angelina's side hoping she'll let him in on whatever her thoughts were when she spaced out looking at the water.

A loud slam brought him back from his thoughts as he looked down towards the Flores' beach house seeing Angelina run out towards the water. He knew something wrong had to happen because Angelina never runs.

Jeremiah quickly grabbed his sandals and ran out of his house to find her. He ran further down the beach knowing exactly where she went, it's where he always found her two years ago when she was upset.

There was a small hidden place near the edge of the beach by a cliff where huge rocks curve into a small half circle blocking everything around them. That's where he always found her, sometimes sitting inside with her head hanging low covering her ears and other times shouting and kicking the rocks with rage.

But this time it was different, she displayed no emotion as she came to view. As Jeremiah went through the small rocks to get to her, he found Angelina just leaning against the rocks staring ahead, emotionless.

She was looking right at him but she was so spaced out, it was as if she didn't see him arrive. Jeremiah walked closer clearing his throat to get her attention. Angelina abruptly shook her head coming back from her thoughts finally realizing Jeremiah was standing in front of her, worry clearly expressed on his face.

Angelina scoffed crossing her arms against her chest. She was hoping Jeremiah would find her but now that he was standing in front of her, the anger she was feeling for him from the other night returned.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else or better yet, with someone else?" Angelina let out bitterly. Anger overcoming her sadness.

Jeremiah stepped closer to her, "Angel-"

"I don't want to hear it, Jeremiah. You said no more playing games. If you want to be with her then go because this, whatever the hell this is," she motioned with her hand between the two. "It's over. Done."

"Oh please, you've just been looking for a way out since the start because you're scared of what we could be." Jeremiah paused, "or, I bet it's cause of Miles Baker now."

Angelina rolled her eyes knowing Jeremiah was going to bring up Miles. Yes, she did have a crush on him back when she was younger but Miles always viewed her as a little sister. She was sure that hadn't changed. "Fine, you want to bring up bullshit. Then how about I'll go to Miles and you can run off with Gigi," Angelina said heated.

Jeremiah let out a deep sigh and now stood inches away from her. The breath from his sigh hitting her face. "Would you just listen to me for a goddamn second and shut that pretty little mouth of yours."

He stepped back slightly realizing how close he just got to her. Jeremiah didn't want to scare her off but he was tired of Angelina being too stubborn and not letting him explain himself. He also blamed himself for involving Miles Baker now in something that had nothing to do between the two of them.

"God, Angelina," he let out frustrated. He tried to calm down his breathing steadily. He took a step back turning around for a second taking a deep breath, then he returned to stare at her. Jeremiah needed her to understand him. "It's always been you and the sad thing is that you don't realize that. It'll always be you," his voice cracked at the end.

Angelina felt a little sting in her chest. The meaning of his words were hitting too deep. "What- what are you talking about?"

"I've always been there, Angelina. I know, you know. It's like I can sense whenever you are near or enter a room. I don't understand why but my eyes, they always find you. There can be a room full of people but the only one I've ever seen is you," Jeremiah let out.

Angelina is left speechless, wide eyes looking at him as she thinks about it all. All this time how had she not realized it. His eyes. His intense ocean blue eyes were always on her.

Every time she was looking at someone else, he was always looking at her all these years.

"Then why were you with Gigi the other night?" Angelina questioned not wanting to think about how intense what Jeremiah just said was. She knew Jeremiah had a crush on her when he was younger but she thought it was just a small crush. Now this was becoming way too serious for her but a part of her liked the feeling of being wanted that much by a person.

"I wasn't with her. She found me when I was sulking and asked if I can help move a box of old junk out of her car. That was it. I swear," Jeremiah answered sincerely now walking closer to her. He's been yearning for her touch, to be able to hold and kiss her again.

Angelina raised an eyebrow at him, "why were you sulking? Is that why you ignored me for two days?"

Jeremiah let out a tired sigh, "I was upset at something Conrad said to me after the volleyball tournament. And I unfortunately took it out on you, which I shouldn't have."

Angelina kept quiet and so Jeremiah continued. "But fuck, man. Sometimes I just wish you weren't so close with my brother."

Angelina let out a small laugh, "oh come on, Jeremiah. Whatever jealously you have with Con, shouldn't be taken out at me. He's my best friend. Why are you jealous of him?"

Jeremiah gave a low scoff. "If only you knew," he mumbled shaking his head. "Look I'm sorry for taking it out on you but please Angel. Please don't push me out."

Angelina puckered her lips at him and Jeremiah smiled knowing she had forgiven him. He always thought she looked adorable when she did that. "You know, you were the one that pushed me out first," she said.

"Never again." He reached his arms out for her pulling Angelina into him. She rested her head against his chest and took a deep breath. Angelina was exhausted. The pain from seeing her dad crumble away right in front of her was overbearing. She felt Jeremiah's chin lay on top of her head as he gave her a tight squeeze. His warmth was so comforting to her.

"Why do you only want me when I bring you pain," Jeremiah said so low Angelina almost didn't hear it.

"Because that's what I've grown accustomed too," Angelina whispered back. It's what was familiar to her. And it wasn't just him, her whole life right now was full of pain. People wanting different things from her and no one asking what she wanted.

Jeremiah leaned back a little still keeping his arms around her waist. "Let me take that pain away, can I kiss you?"

Angelina nodded yes and Jeremiah crashed lips against hers, savoring all of her. Angelina slightly gasp opening her mouth a little more and Jeremiah took that as his invitation to slide his tongue in. Heat shot throughout his body.

Jeremiah missed her. He didn't realize how much until now. Her touch, her warmth, her.

He's been letting Conrad get in head causing him to ruin his relationship with Angelina. A relationship Jeremiah has worked so hard for. For Angelina to finally see him, not as Conrad's little brother but as a guy worthy of being with her.

Jeremiah felt Angelina's arms snake around his neck as she leaned up to deepen their kiss. It was getting more aggressive and Jeremiah felt a shiver down his spine. He wanted more of her. He wanted all of her.

His hand slowly inched down her back sliding underneath her blouse. Angelina's breath hitched slightly feeling his cool fingers explore her bare back. Jeremiah moved his lips towards her neck. "Are you mine now, Angelina?" Jeremiah whispered near her ear.

Angelina let out a low moan as she felt Jeremiah attacking her neck with kisses. He lets out a low laugh. "Tell me you are," he lightly bite her ear then grazed his teeth along her jaw reaching her lips.

"I'm yours."

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