the bonfire

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We walked down to where everyone was my heart rate quickened I hated coming to events where I didn't know anyone.Conrad grabbed my had like he knew what was happening. Everyone looked at me as me and Conrad walked to get a drink from Jeremiah.i wanted to question why people were looking but I remembered I had Conrad by my side. I laughed and Conrad heard" what?" He questioned why I laughed " oh sorry I laughed cause I remembered my old friend Cynthia that I'd bring over during the summers. Well she told me after we got into a fight that I'd never have you by my side and you thought of me as your little sister." He laughed and a girl who I remember her name being Nicole looked over." Heyyy Conrad" Nicole said and Conrad stopped as he let go of my hand. See I guess I got my hopes up for nothing I wanted to see if Conrad would change and not fuck with other girls even if we weren't dating he said he'd show me he changed or something like that.I looked back and saw Conrad still talking to Nicole so I walked to Jeremiah and he gave me my favorite Smirnoff and a a freshly rolled blunt." Thank you jere." I said and Jeremiah nodded his head while throwing me a lighter. I walked down the beach and when I was far away but not too far I sat down. I drank half of my drink and finally decided I show smoke. I heard foot steps in the sand as I was halfway finished with the blunt."hey jere how'd you know I needed this?" I asked Jeremiah who walked up to me." Well I saw how Conrad ditched you for Nicole so I thought maybe you needed it. I'm sorry for Conrad ditching you by the way he shouldn't have done that. He made it seem like taking you here was some kind of chore." Jeremiah said as I looked at him and his eyes looked from my eyes to my lips. No I was not going to kiss Jeremiah when I had to talk to Conrad and I knew I would never date Jeremiah he was a brother to me. I also knew belly would kill me because she has had this huge crush on Jeremiah forever now." Jeremiah I love you I hope you know that but your brother is very difficult. He tells me he wants me one second telling me he would show me how he wouldn't fuck with other girls if we dated, I guess tonight was the practice run and everything was going great but then he talks to Nicole." I said on the verge of crying as I heard belly yell. I ran towards her and I hugged her seeing she was yelling at our brother " Steven go hangout with Shayla I've got belly , also hi Shayla it's been awhile." I smiled and turned to take belly to a place to sit." Hey bells I'm excited youre here like really excited." I said while hugging her she hugged me laughing "have you been smoking?" She asked I nodded as I heard conrad. I looked over to where Conrad was and saw he was fighting with a guy who took his beer.Belly and I walked towards them as I tried to tell them to stop the guy that took Conrad's beer hit me and Conrad looked down at me."COPS!"someone yelled and belly and I ran to the jeep Conrad was being helped but jeremiah. I gave the keys to Jeremiah cause he was the only one who hadn't drank anything.We got in the car and as jere was leaving he stomped on the breaks really hard and he yelled"STEVEN!" as he and belly ran out the jeep. I sat looking out the window trying not to look at Conrad. I felt Conrad's hand on my shoulder and I gave in and looked at him." I'm sorry I had to talk to her I had to make it up to her." He said as I looked down. He used a finger to push my ass chin up making me look at him " I want you y/n I want you and only you. You are the only person on my mind, I think about you 24/7 I can't stop thinking about you." He said as he took a strand of my hair between his fingers playing with it. A breeze came through the opened window and I heard Conrad inhale and exhale " you smell really really good." Conrad said as he put his arm around me and leaned in." Have you kids been drinking?" A cop came beside the jeep and asked.We we're taken back to the house and the cops told my mom that we were underage drinking." Tell mr.fisher the sheriff wants to set up a test time." The cop told mom. She closed the door " are you serious?" She asked I was leaning against Jeremiah who was keeping me from falling."sorry mom but it's not that big of a deal." Steven said " not a big deal? If you weren't your family tonight could have been worse.when did you leave and what are you wearing?" Mom pointed towards belly but talking to Conrad and Jeremiah when she was talking about their family." The dress is Taylor's and I walked to the bonfire I was fine mom." Belly said to our mom" seriously you know I don't want you walking the beach alone at night." Mom said as she turned to towards me" what the actual hell y/n you're drinking and smoking again I raised you better act like an adult." She said " why don't you and Susannah act like one." I said and she scoffed" what does that mean?" She asked I inhaled turning towards Conrad " you guys smoked whole we were gone act like adults." He said as he took my away from Jeremiah." How much did she drink? She can't stand straight." Mom said odviously annoyed." I drank 6 bottles of Tito's and a Smirnoff." I said almost falling but Conrad put his arms around my waist." Just go upstairs someone help y/n" my mom said as Conrad and Jeremiah help me to my room once I got in my bed I waited til belly came in." Hey." Belly said as she walked in and towards my dresser and grabbed a old Tshirt and spandex while getting my makeup wipes." Hey bells." I said as I turned over on my back." Here put this on and we can do facemask and talk." She said throwing my clothes at me I went to my bathroom and saw Conrad had his door open. I closed his door and got dressed and went back to belly who was sitting on my bed." Here wipe your makeup off." She passed me the makeup wipes and once I took off all my makeup she went downstairs and came up with cups of Susannah's famous herbal tea." So whats going on with you and Conrad?" She asked " to be honest I have no idea." I said putting on the facemask." I think you should talk to him about what you guys are or what youre doing." She said as I heard my bathroom door open and come in a tired Conrad who looked at belly like he wanted her gone " we can finish this later." She said as she pulled the facemask off and so did I." Belly could I talk to y/n really quick?" He asked and she walked out."y/n I'm sorry I had to say sorry to Nicole for fucking her over and leading her on, I broke everything off with her today." He said taking my hands into his." Is that what you were doing with her the whole night?" He lowered his head " see this is what I'm talking about Connie I really like you I just can't get hurt and have to see you every summer.that shit would be weird as fuck I don't wanna ruin the relationship I have with anyone in your family." I said and he nodded knowing things would be weird." Well I'm going to show you I can be good for you." He said while rubbing my cheek with his finger."how is your face you know since you got hit." He examined my face." It's fine it's gonna bruise but I mean not the first bruise I've had." I smiled and it looked like my words hurt him." I really want to hug you right now but it would be hard for me not to tell you everything I want to tell you." He said as he got up from my bed." Goodnight y/n/n" she said exiting my room and going downstairs to his mom.Belly came in 10 minutes later and gave me a ice pack for my face. Once I cried because I should have told Conrad that I'd love to be with him and be there for anything he needed me for and for him to talk to me I let him go,I finally went to sleep.

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