01: Coffee

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I sigh as I wipe down the last table before my shift ends

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I sigh as I wipe down the last table before my shift ends. I was hoping that tonight would be a decent night, but after the way my day has gone today, I'm beginning to wonder if it's even possible.

There are two more tables in front of me and three more behind me, and while there have been a lot of complaints lately about customers not showing up, no one wants a job right now, especially on Halloween.

I glance around at the deserted dining room and decide to scrub this table top as an alternative. The rest of my table is decorated with scattered papers and thick books, and I can sense myself getting a headache just glaring at them.

It doesn't take me long to clear out the dining area and start laying things out for tomorrow's orders. After that, I pluck one of the chairs and sit at the table where I spent all day yesterday.

The clock strikes nine with a loud, ear-screeching tick as I shut the book I was reading and start cleaning my mind.

With everything done I lean back into my chair and take a deep breath. I can't wait to go home and go to doze on my heaven-like bed. I've had so much today that I don't reckon I will ever make it through the next eight hours again.

I've got a set of things on my schedule tomorrow morning but they can wait until tomorrow. Right now, my feet are sore and throbbing from continuing to scrub the floors squeaky clean.

My brain feels like it's going to rip apart. All I want to do is relax, but my body refuses to cooperate. It's the weekend, so most places will be closed by then anyway and hopefully, I won't have to work late. But if I don't get home soon, I might pass out on my kitchen floor.

Wait, Did I forget to bleach my knife?


I should've bleached it so the Police won't get my fingertips!

But I did throw Bury the body with my knife so it's fine.

For now, I guess.

I haven't exactly gotten any beauty sleep the past few nights.
As my eyelids proceed to slowly flutter shut, I hear the door open as the bell starts ringing, Sending Another headache my way.

The door close once again. My eyes snap open as I glance up at whoever came through the door, but I don't recognize the face or the voice that greets me.

"We're closed right now, there's a coffee shop right next to us," I mumble through my gritted teeth, While my head is buried in my hands.

"I was wondering if you could squeeze one more coffee for me...please?" The Man uttered.

My ears ring as I hear an unfamiliar deep voice shake my eardrums. I lazily drag my eyes up to meet the strange man. He wasn't strange at all.

He had messy, Soft brown curls dangling down to his eyebrows, Dark hooded bags seemed to clutch underneath his eyes, His eyes a mesmerizing light, chocolate brown as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip nervously. He had a snatched Jawline that looked like it could chop a diamond in half. His wrinkled, Black suit seemed to compliment his waist and chest, As his long, thin fingers clenched onto his leather suitcase.

I scanned his body, From head to toe. He was a decent-looking man, A gentleman to say the least.

"Rough day hm?" I asked.

"Yeah.." He tiredly soughs.

I groan tiredly as I heaved my feet from behind the marble counter, I thrust my finger on the red button which turned the coffee machine on.

"Welcome to Neros Cafe, What can I get you started with?" I sarcastically Whined. I bent my elbows on the counter while I proceeded to get lost in this beautiful stranger's dark orbs.

A lazy smile crept up on his lips as he popped a dimple.

"I'd like a latte, please" he lightly Let out while his bleached, white teeth glowed through his lips.

"Coming right up." I subconsciously grinned slightly while pulling onto the lever. Warm, Hot coffee oozed out into the cup, The refreshing smell of coffee slightly helped my headache.

I watched as he slid a chair to the table in front of me, Watching his veiny fingers curl around the base of the chair. Fuck...His hands are so hot.

"So, where are you coming from?" I try my best to start a conversation while preparing his latte.

"Downtown, Not far from here."

"I'm guessing you're a CEO of a company, right?" I ask.

He chuckles lightly, His deep voice making it sound like music to my ears. I can feel my cheeks burn up a little bit. Wait why am I blushing? What the fuck?

"Not even close, I'm just an assistant." He shrugs while nodding his head.

"Meh, same thing." I sigh.

"What about you, Where are you coming from?" He asks while slightly tilting his head.

"This coffee shop." I frown.

"What..No.." He Chuckles once again, leaving butterflies in my stomach.

"I Mean What part of town are you from?" He warmly smiles, Showing me his cute little dimples and his full, rosy-coloured cheeks.

"I'm also from Downtown, Well the 'new' Downtown". I added on while pouring out his cream on the latte, Adding 2 cubes of sugar and watching it dissolve in the flavorful liquid.

"Well, that's your latte done, Enjoy.." I huffed while nudging his cup of latte towards the edge of the counter.

"Ah, Great, How much will that be?"

I grin While cleaning the inside of an old, red cup. "It's on the house."

"No, really I can pay, I mean you look tired and it's Halloween" He assures me While patting his pockets for his wallet.

"It's Halloween, I get it but it's on me, really don't worry about it," I assure him back.

" I. Am. Paying. end of the conversation." He warned me, Almost with a threatening tone.

"You pay, And I quit my job." I crossed my arms over my chest.

He scoffed, poking his tongue in the inside of his cheek as he slightly smirked. I could feel him burn holes into my soul, His stare almost compelling yet captivating.

"I'm paying next time, Thanks for the Latte."  He uttered with no emotion, Almost blankly as he snatched the latte of the counter and turned on his heels. Shoving the door open and closing it behind him.

Wait...Next time?

Well fuck.

‿︵‿︵୨˚̣̣̣͙୧ - - ୨˚̣̣̣͙୧‿︵‿︵

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Stay safe x

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