Chapter 26

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Today the Cullens were preparing for the battle, and it will be the first time for Lily to see vampires in a combat fight, especially Jasper as he was the youngest major in the civil war, so he was the best one in combat.

When Lily got out of the Cullens' house she saw a large field surrounded by dense forest. The mist is heavy; it's overcast, grey. Suddenly, the quiet is broke by Emmet being flung through the air failing into the ground. He lands hard on his back, but immediately springs up to face Jasper, the person who threw him "again " Emmet said not giving up then a volvo arrived as it skids to a halt next to Jasper's Jeep. Edward, and Bella climbed out, and headed into the field together. Halfway across, Edward stopped and said "They are here" on the treeline from out of the mist skulk eight gaint wolves came out, as wary, and on edge as the Cullens are. Emmett recognizes Paul's wolf; their eyes meet, both itching for a rematch, but Edward cutted their staring off "They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" "They came. That's what matters" Carlisle said to Edward.

Bella sees the red brown wolf as it turns toward her, and she realised who it was "Jake..." He seems to almost smile, tongue lolling, and Embry's wolf was also jumby being around Lily, and she was also happy to see him, but a sharp look from Sam's wolf gets Jacob, and Embry's wolf to focus " Will you translate?" Carlisle turned to Edward, and he nodded at him. Carlisle moves slowly towards the pack, and Sam's wolf the black biggest wolf of them steps forward then Carlisle starts to talk "Jasper has experience with newborns. He'll teach us how to defeat them" Edward shifted his attention to them again, as he heard something then he looked at Carlisle "They want to know how the 'newborns' is differ from us" Carlisle cleared his throat, and said in a loud voice "They're a great deal stronger than us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life"

The pack takes this in. Carlisle nods to Jasper to take over. Jasper is initially uncomfortable with both the wolves and the attention, but steps forward anyway
"Carlisle's right. That's why they are created. A newborn army, doesn't need thousands like a human army. And no human army could stand against them. The two most important things to remember are, first... Never let them get their arms around you. They'll crush you instantly. The second... Never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that. And you will lose. Emmett? Don't hold back" Emmet stepped in front of Jasper, and cracked his knuckles "Not in my nature" Lily was apparently nervous, she never loved violence, but she doesn't have choice here. It's what they should do to defend themselves.

Emmett charges at Jasper with impossible speed, but Jasper is faster. Emmett lunges several times, his strong arms grabbing at air. Jasper stops long enough to say " Never lose focus. One more thing... Never turn your back on your enemy"

Emmett lunges again with similar results, until suddenly he freezes Jasper has him from behind, his teeth an inch from Emmettt's throat. Bella, and Lily was taken aback by Jasper's kill. And there's an impressed rumble among the watching wolves.

Everyone takes turns sparring with Jasper, or pairing off against each other, which always ended in Jasper wining.

Alice, and Nathaniel spar, spiraling, twisting. Nathaniel launches at her but with her eyes glazed over, not looking at him, she sees his moves before he makes them. Out of nowhere, Alice is perched on his back; she kisses his neck, and said "Gotchya" Nathaniel smiles at her although he lost, but that wasn't a matter to him at the moment.

It was Edward and Carlisle turn, they attack one another, but Edward can read Carlisle's mind which gives him the advantage. He twirls beyond Carlisle's grasp, then slams into him delivering a vicious body blow.

"Focus on speed, agility, keep your opponent off guard" Jasper said, the wolves rise, and pace, watching intently, itching to get into the fray but holding back, then he stopped to add "Use their momentum against them".

Bella, and Lily feel anxious watching these firece, life, and death war games, a portent of the violence to come. A furry muzzle brushed Bella's face. Jacob's wolf is beside her, his eyes conveying concern. She pensively looks back out at the field, while Embry's wolf came beside Lily nuzzeling his face in her hand, while looking at her concerned upon seeing her expression.

Lily still didn't like the idea of the pack joining this war, and that was one of the reasons she felt anxious "Some of you, are gonna get hurt. Some of you could get killed, because of us. I am worried about you all" "It's gonna be a hundred times worse than this, right?" Bella added to Lily's sentence then Jacob nuzzles her face again, and Bella pets him, and Leans against him. "We're done for the day" Edward said as he, and Jasper has suddenly appeared next to the girls. Their expressions is calm, but firm. Jacob, and Embry's wolf eyes them... then rejoins their pack as they retreat into the woods.

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