🦊🦊Foxy x Sick!Reader 🍪🍪

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Pronouns used in this is they/them for simplicity.


You were having a rough day, after spending most of the day shift taking care of the restaurant (cause the day worker is a lazy piece of shit-) you had a headache. You tried the normal of taking some alive and drinking water and it didn't go away. At the end of the day though there wasn't really anything you could do about it so you brushed it off and got ready for the night shift.

You slid into your chair, glancing at the clock while booting the monitors up. Hissing a little at the bright light, you leaned back in your chair, watching the clock get to 12 to let you know the night shift had started.

One of the lights overhead had started buzzing at some point as well, and you couldn't figure out which one, though it was very distracting. Luckily it seemed the animations were giving you a break tonight. Chica was chilling in the kitchen and Bonnie was sat in the backstage room and they'd been in those places for a while. Freddy was still on stage and Foxy hadn't even bothered to peek out of the curtain yet. It was a little odd, seeing how it was almost 2 am but you weren't complaining.

After one last check over of the cameras you decided a small nap was in order. Nobody was that close, and you'd surely hear footsteps coming closer, hopefully. You just wanted rid of the headache and then you could go back to normal.

It didn't take long for you to doze off once you put your head down on the desk, the camera fixed on Freddy to keep him in place.

Foxy POV

I was sitting in my cove when I noticed the camera stopped turning on. Y/N had seemed a little off, but normally they never left the camera off for too long. Even during just flick throughs, they always peeked on me at least once an hour.

I peeked out of my curtain, trying to look down the hall. I spotted Bonnie wandering the main area, which meant that camera was off as well. "Aye, Bonnie. Is the lass(ie) okay?" I called, wondering if he'd been back there yet.

Bonnie looked over. "Sorry Foxy, I haven't been back there yet. The cameras focused on Freddy though, and has been for like an hour." He shrugged, stacking the party hats on the table for the party tomorrow.

"Oh." I pushed my way out of the curtain, sighing. I could hear Chica in the kitchen, she was the loudest of us aside from Freddy's  music box. I shook my head a little and decided to go check on Y/N.

Upon walking down the hall, the door didn't shut like normal, nothing seemed to even move despite my loud steps.

I peeked into the office, spotting Y/N asleep against the desk. They looked off though, their skin was pale, at least from what I remembered. I sighed and pushed myself into the more human-like form, walking over and gently shaking Y/N's shoulder. "Lass(ie)?"

Y/N just groaned and swatted my hand away, mumbling in their sleep.

I frowned. Normally that would end in something slammed over my head followed by unintelligible screaming. I gently moved my hand and pressed the back of it to Y/N's forehead. "You're burning up lass(ie)," I said as I felt how warm Y/N was.

I sighed softly, grabbing a blanket from the closet behind them and gently scooping them up. I wrapped the blanket around them best I could and walked back to pirates cove. No sense in leaving Y/N there to be woken by one of the others.

I settled in the back of the cove, making sure the curtain was shut all the way. Luckily no one spotted me, cause I would never hear the end of it if they had.

Once making sure Y/N was properly laid down against my chest I leaned my head against the wall. A small nap didn't sound too bad, I would just have to get Y/N up before the night shift was over. I slowly dozed off against the wall.


You woke against something warm, wrapped in a blanket. For a moment you thought you were in bed, but that would've been impossible. You had the night shift.

You picked your head up and looked around, spotting purple curtains with little stars on them. Were you in pirates cove? Once glance at what you were laying on confirmed that suspicion. Foxy was still in a human-ish form, asleep with you against him.

You gave a small smile, checking the time. 5 am. Ugh. You sighed and gently moved as to not wake Foxy. You moved the blanket so it was covering him before heading back to the office. Judging by the pizza flipped on the monitors, Bonnie or Chica was likely in the office while you were away.

You shook your head and started to get things cleaned back up, grabbing a sticky note from the desk and writing a quick thank you to Foxy. You stuck it to the stage before grabbing your bag. "Cya later!" You called to the other three before heading out to go home. Damn you were going to need a shower to get rid of the sweat smell on you.

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