The Man On The Moon

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Manny P.O.V

She still hasn't come out of her room, I'm starting to worry there has been lots of talk about avenging Pitch from his family they were all greatly affected by his death but none of them show it with sadness. his daughter, Layla took her sadness and turned it into anger, practicing her dark magic and fighting. His wife, Gothel had grown hatred towards everyone, even her own children saying that it's their fault because they weren't there to help their father. and his youngest son, Adrian just sat in his room practicing his fire powers, he wasn't very close with his father, his parents had always hated him and even said it to his face all because he was the only one from his family to be born without dark magic. But until there is conformation on the plan I can't tell anyone... not even the guardians.

Elsa P.O.V

Dad keeps trying to get me to come out, i don't even reply anymore ever since what happened with Punzie. I still can't believe it, i don't even know if she's alive or not. I don't even what to think about it and that all happened 3 years ago.

Jack Frost P.O.V

"Manny, I know there's something your not telling me what's gonna happen?" I asked but I knew there was not gonna be an answer, there never is. just as I was about to fly off i heard something. I looked around then realized it was Manny

"Jack I'm sorry, the time isn't right you'll find out everything soon, but for know the guardians need you" just like that he was gone. 'the guardians need me? I looked up into the sky... shit the northern lights. I flew off to the north pole as fast as i could. i got there in 3.5 minutes but hey who's counting right?

"Wh...whats go... goin...going on?" i said in between breaths. I looked at north and he smiled behind him tooth looked over the moon and bunny... well he looked... like bunny i guess? And as for Sandy Wait, over the moon? I looked up and saw the moon. "WOW" I said

"It's amazing isn't it Jack?" i just stood there in awe.

North's P.O.V

I just laughed "Old friend what can we do for you" I said looking at the moon. the moon lit up and three Crystals came from out of the ground. my eyes widened this means only one thing... new guardians and 3 wow. i was worried though last time we got a new guardian it was because of pitch and his nightmares but they're long gone. I stepped forward

"new guardians" I said smiling at the other guardians. the first lit up a girl maybe 17 long, and i mean long blonde hair holding paints with a chameleon. The second was a boy again around 18 with brown hair and one leg stood there standing next to a dragon with a sword in his other hand. The third was a girl with red frizzy hair a sword at her side and a bow and arrow in her hand. I turned around me and all the other guardians where facing Jack he looked confused. I laughed again

"Jack these are going to be the 3 new guardians, Rapunzel, Hiccup and Merida."

"What about the other one?" he asked confused. I turned to see a forth crystal standing before my eyes. A girl I know quite well hair as white as snow she sat there reading a book 'FROZEN' it read she lifted her hand and let the snow fall

"Elsa?" I asked my self there is no way many would let her be a guardian.

(authors note) I really hope you like all my stories so far I WILL be updating when ever i can but have a lot of H/W to do as well so yea I'm updating today but this will not always be the case. love you my snow crystals <3<3

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