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Merida P.O.V

We started training while Tooth we getting 'the other two?'

"So, who do you think it could be?" Hiccup asked

"I'm not sure it could be anyone." We kept training using hand to hand combat. He was actually really good, and he was pretty cut too. After a while tooth came back, then we picked up the bow and arrows, we both got them in the centre, right in the middle, ok wow he was really good, then everyone stopped. The room had just gotten 3x as cold. We looked and two people walked in not even looking at us. The first was a boy around 17 snow white hair and pale skin wearing a dark blue jumper, brown pants and light blue vans, the second was a girl platinum blonde hair with snow flake clips and was wearing a light blue top tied at the front and white pants,   just heading straight to the arena where we couldn't see them. Tooth just told us to get back to training. After a while the temperature dropped again me and Hiccup looked to try and find the cause of it and we found those two people who walked in before throwing ice and snow at each other, but it was coming from thin air I don't get it.

"Is the ice and snow coming from their hands?" Hiccup asked Tooth. This made Rapunzel run over and look at the two people for the first time, her eyes lit up

"ELSA!!!" she yelled. The girl didn't even turn


"ELSA MOON!!!!" she yelled even louder this time the girl froze (not literally) and turned her face lit up then she fell forward.

"JACK!!" she yelled at the boy. He just laughed while helping her up. She opened her mouth to say something then closed it and rolled her eyes and hugged him. She turned around

"Punzie? that really you?" this made Rapunzel laugh and spin around and around and around

"it's the one and only Elsie!" she said now running to the girl and hugging her.

Elsa P.O.V ~5 minutes earlier~

When I walked in I didn't look at anyone and neither did Jack but I could feel people staring at me. And I knew why it would have just gotten colder but I didn't care. me and Jack started using out powers the first person to hit the other one won. It had been around 10 minutes and no one had won yet. That's when someone screamed my name

"ELSA!!" I ignored it


"ELSA MOON!!!" I motioned at Jack to stop; no one used my last name unless it was really important. I looked around to see Rapunzel standing there I smiled for the first time in forever then I felt something hit my back and I fell forward Jack!

"JACK!!!" I yelled at him, he laughed and helped me up

"I guess that means I win." I was about to argue then I remembered, it's Jack Frost I'll never win; I rolled my eyes and hugged him. I let go and turned around

"Punzie?'" I asked shocked

"I...Is that really you?" she laughed, then spun around,

"it's the one and only Elsie" she said now running for a hug oh my god I thought she was dead

"w...where have you been??"

"I think that's a story for another time" she said smiling.

"Ok guys back to training" North said. We all went back to what we were doing before by the end of it I won 9-8 we walked off the arena when a familiar rabbit appeared at the door.

"who let the kangaroo in" I asked Bunny.

"It's Bunny the Easter Bunny, the one who helps people not hurt them" that hit me hard. I looked down, tears in my eyes, then I felt a hand around me I looked up and Bunny was talking to North and the arm that I felt none other than the one and only Jack Frost

"don't worry about him, that's just his way, he does it to me as well." He said with concerned eyes, I just smiled that's all I could do, if I tried to talk I would start to cry.

~~Time Skip 2 months~~ (sorry I'm lazy)

 I looked at my watch 1:00pm we all just finished training for lunch I sat down next to Jack while Merida and Hiccup where sitting next to each other facing me and jack, and Punzie she took her lunch and went to eat with North's son Flynn who was helping us train and helping his dad out. Everyone had just started talking when black sand appeared all around us

"I thought he was dead" Jack whispered to himself, just then three people appeared in front of us. They didn't look too happy so I got into my fighting stance. The eldest woman had black curly hair like Merida's just more managed and shorter with bits of grey. The girl looked a lot like me only her dress was shorter and black. Her eyes were green and her hair was black and she had a grey shade to her skin. The boy looked my age and he looked like Jack but with black hair, black clothes and of course black eyes? he didn't have they shade of grey to his skin like the others did. The two woman were throwing sand at us, it was like Sandy's only black while the boy just disappeared he came back around a minute later and about a minute later Rapunzel and Flynn came running in with the other guardians. We all fought our hardest, Rapunzel using her hair as a whip, Flynn using his water powers, Merida using her bows and arrows and fire powers, Hiccup using the power of Earth, Jack and I using Snow and Ice, Tooth and North using swords while Bunny used boomerangs, and finally Sandy using his dream sand. Turns out the boy had fire powers like Mer, but he was using them to a minimum. Soon me and him were fighting Snow and Ice Vs fire and Smoke, it was like cat and mouse I would try and hit him, he would doge he would try and hit me I would doge. This went on for a few minutes soon I got impatient

"Who are you?!?" I asked saying it a bit louder than I meant for it to come out.

"I'm Adrian" he replied "and now this would be the part when you tell me your name" he said still fighting, I just smirked

"Elsa, my name's Elsa" he froze then continued fighting

"Elsa Winters?" he asked

"yea! And I know you came here for me" he took a deep breath

"I'm sorry about this" he said appearing in front of me he grabbed both of my hands with one of his then shot a Fire ball at me; i screamed in pain but after they just that they all disappeared.

"ELSA!!!" Jack yelled then the darkness surrounded me and I was left with nothing.

Authors note: OK so who could Adrian be?is he an ally or an enemy? and what's with the other two though?

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