Remembering the past

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Rapunzel P.O.V

"what's wrong with her?" I asked as she backed away from us, almost killed herself falling down stairs and now being afraid of the snow that she's making from being scared.

"Like I said I've never tried it before-" Lexi started to explain before Jack cut her off


"BUT IT DIDN'T, did it" Merida screamed

"Hiccup, Layla do you two know anything that could help her?" Merida continued, she was always calm in bad situations but grumpy in good. They both just shook their head and looked down. Around about an hour later Elsa was in her room and we had just about given up, we were all quiet and really sad; but we might have to let Elsa go. A laugh filled the halls.

"Who in blazing hells could be laughing at a time like this" Elsa's forgotten EVERYTHING!" we heard the laugh again, but everyone was here, well except Anna, she was making sure that Elsa didn't escape, but I doubt she would be laughing. We followed the laughter to Elsa's room, I carefully opened the door to see Elsa and Anna playing Fire and Ice, wait Fire? Elsa is throwing snowballs into the air and Anna's hitting them with mini fire balls.

"oh my gosh" I exclaimed Anna quickly stopped and turned around to us.

"why wouldn't you tell us?" Merida asked but Anna just shrugged

"I've never really been good with it, only my dad and Elsa ever knew." she replied

"It makes sense, your dad, the man on the moon controls day and night, guardians etc., Elsa controls winter, and you? You control summer." Hiccup explained

"but what about autumn and spring?" Jack asked Hiccup thought of a second

"ah, because he's the moon he doesn't control day, only night. Rapunzel is Anna and Elsa's cousin so that means their dads were brothers. Manny controls the night while his brother controls the day, that also means that... Rapunzel controls spring. But autumn confuses me" Hiccup explained again, wow I control spring? He heard a laughing from behind us followed by clapping we turned to find Layla standing there

"well done guys you almost figured it out, but. I could always tell you who controls autumn. Do you want to know?" we all nodded, and she laughed again.

"well" she stopped and looked at the moon "can I tell them Manny?" we all looked confused

"you should know that he won't answer..." Jack started but the moon glowed brighter

"thank you" she said before turning to us. "ok, well first thing you have to know is one: NO interrupting" after we all nodded she stated explaining. "ok, you all know that Manny's brother is Rapunzel's dad, but that's where your wrong. Rapunzel's Mum is Manny's sister. The second thing is that he did have a brother, his name was Blake, but throughout the years he got bullied, corrupted and changed his name to pitch Black. My dad, I am the one who controls autumn. I didn't what to tell you like this." she explained slowly.

"Why wouldn't you tell us this? you're the missing season, you know since we haven't had autumn in 3 years!!" Merida yelled.

Lexi's P.O.V

"we thought that the seasons holder was dead, but you've just been hiding." Lachlan realised sadly. He had only been her for a few days, he was Sandy's son. Even though I hadn't known him long, but within the three days that I've been talking to him for I felt something special, I felt like I could trust him with anything. I thought he felt the same way about me; I guess not. A tear escaped my eye and my voice became shaky.

"I- I- I'm s-sor-sorry ok! I'm so sorry" I said looking at them all before running out of the room. I heard someone running after me, so I did the obvious thing and ran faster, weaving through the corridors.

"Please, Lexi. Stop please, it's Elsa" she yelled as she started to loose me. I stopped. She was the one person I couldn't run from.

"Elsa, you remember me?" I asked remembering about what happened before.

"Um... you've been my best friend for like... forever! Why would you think that I'd ever forget you?" she looked really confused, like a child listening to an adult's conversion.

"Uh, you know what. Never mind. Do you know the people that where in the room before?" she shook her head.

"I only know Anna, she's my sister, and I only remembered you when they said you were a season and you ran off." She explained, oh my golly gosh, Jack's not going to be happy.

"Let's get you back to your room." I put my arm around her and lead her to the room while wiping the last of my tears away.

"Layla, what's wrong? Why did you run out crying? Come with me and tell me everything." She said pulling me away from her room and to the garden.

"Um, Elsa. How did you know where this garden was?" I asked, she lost all her memories after the age of 12, which is also the last day I ever saw her.

"Duh, I come here all the time with my dad, my mum and my sister." My eyes widened; this was the first she had mentioned of her mother since what happened to her and Anna.


It was a winters night, and the roads were slippery and covered in ice. My dad was out on a business trip, so Rapunzel, Elsa, Anna and I were all staying at Elsa and Anna's house. We were all born on the same day and we were celebrating our 12th birthday. Elsa and Anna's mother, Selena was driving, we were going to get hot chocolates and go to the ice ring.

It was going to be part of our birthday present. We'd been in the car an hour and was around 5 minutes away from the ice ring, but suddenly a great tragedy struck as a car on the other road swerved off their road and onto ours, colliding with the front of the car. After the ambulance got there we were taken into emergency care, Elsa's back had been damaged and needed an operation in hopes of ever walking again, her head had also been knocked and amnesia was an almost definite possibility.

Rapunzel's right leg was broken in three places and her left arm was broken in four. Anna's head had been cut open by the glass of the car and was bleeding severally. As for me, my right leg had been crushed by the car, and my right eye had been blinded by a piece of glass, which they soon replaced with a fake one. But Selena, she had been hurt worse than us all, her lower back had been broken, her left leg had to be amputated at the scene to get her free and all throughout her body, pieces of glass had hit her and were now stuck.

But still doctors were saying she could survive, unfortunately for them, they had not seen that her right lung had also been crushed, and her left one pieced straight through. At this rate she had only hours to live. By the time the doctors found these problems she was struggling for her life, they quickly put her on life support and underwent the operation, they tried all they could but it wasn't enough.

Since Elsa was the oldest and closest relative of Selena they told her she had two options, keep her on life support and let her never wake up, or pull the plug and let her rest in peace. Elsa was distraught with these options; she took many days to decide, to think them both through, but in the end she knew what she had to do. She had to let her mother rest in peace, become an angel and finally get some sleep.

~End of flash back~

OH MY GOSH!!!! i totally forgot about this account until i looked at my cousins followers and saw this! i don"t know why i'm updating instead of said it's discontinued but I'm updating!! I am soooooo sorry it took me this long

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