🔞 Kang Yeosang ✧ Want

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"What would you like right now, butterfly?"

He always asks this question and it drives you crazy.

You want to answer. You want to know what you want. But it has been so long since you have felt comfortable enough with someone to even consider what that answer might be. You don't even know where to begin. You don't want to take too long to respond, but your reply is caught in the depths of a crevice somewhere and you feel like you don't have the tools necessary to extract it.

"Hm?" he asks, almost as if he had heard your thought processes playing out.

'You had an answer when you were daydreaming yesterday,' recalls the voice in your head. Yet, you continue to hesitate. He is behind you, lightly massaging up and down the bare skin of your back. His hands are warm and strong as he touches you with a tenderness both of you hadn't known in years.

'What do you want? You like this so maybe you just want him to keep doing what he's doing? Just say something.'


The little voice is right. You decide that it's high time you take some risks so you lift yourself and turn around to face him.

"I would like you to kiss me like you mean it, daddy," you whisper, looking into his eyes for a moment as you remember how safe you feel with him. You look down at your hands again.

This won't last. But you can allow yourself to enjoy it while it does.

With eyes partly closed, you lean your face in towards his, and he meets your cheek with the palm of his hand before you both come together for a simple kiss. His lips match his hands in their warmth and soft strength.

You take his face in both hands as you kiss him back. He places his hand on the small of your back and pulls you into him, your chests inching towards each other as his other hand scoops the back of your head, weaving his fingers into your hair for reassurance.

"I w-want you to kiss my neck, daddy" you say softly, feeling like your voice would falter if you spoke any louder as the assertiveness of the words still tastes foreign on your tongue. With his grip secured, he pulls your head back gently to expose your neck and traces the length of it with soft, slow kisses from the base of your ear down to the edge of your clavicle.

You can feel your pulse gradually elevate every time his lips pull away and invite the air to take his place on your skin. Your head lolls into his palm behind your head and you close your eyes, running your fingers through his hair. He traces the length of your clavicle with his lips, edging towards the tip of your shoulder.

"Could you bite me, daddy?" you say. "Just a little bit."

He alters his path, moving his mouth back towards your neck. He nips gently at the flesh of your shoulder near the crook of your neck. You swoon as he lightly pinches the skin between his teeth and releases, planting a few more bites along the way before finally passing under your chin. He caresses the top of your sternum with his lips and creeps up the other side of your neck.

Lips locked once again, he crawls on top of you and gently lowers his body onto yours. You feel snug and safe under his weight as he teases your hips with his soft rolling rhythm of his. His lips and hands find more confidence in this new position, as he slips the tip of his tongue subtly into your mouth. You slide your hand down his spine and you sink your tongue a little deeper into his mouth in return.

As you both carry on, you start to feel more self-assured. "I want you to go down on me, daddy," you pause, collecting your thoughts before continuing, "But not right away. I want you to take your time getting there." You stare at the ceiling.

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