Late Nights

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I have a hc that Dream has trouble sleeping. So yeah 😭

"Goodnight love." George mumbled kissing Dream. "Good night baby." He said. George turned away and was soon snoring loudly.

Dream put in his Airpods and put on a song. It was like this every night no matter what he did. He tried music, asmr, warm milk. He could never go to bed at a decent time.

It got to the point he had to lie to George saying he just got up early.

While normally he would tell George about these things he decided to keep this to himself. George has his own problems. Dreams poor sleep schedule shouldn't be one of them.

After he sat in bed wide awake he decided to get up and get something to drink. He slowly got up from bed trying his best to not wake George.

He walked through the house to the kitchen. He grabbed a cup and filled it up with water. He walked to the living room and turned on Netflix.

He put on a show on his recommended not really paying attention clicked a cartoon.

The sound played in the background as he scrolled through Twitter.

He drifted in and out of his thoughts not even noticing George walk out to the kitchen also getting a drink.

George heard the sound of the TV playing and looked over. "What are you doing up..?" He mumbled drinking the rest of the water and putting the cup away.

He did a weird waddle thing over to Dream and lied down on top of him.

"I can't sleep." he said. George grasped his hand and slowly started rubbing his thumb along the back of it.

"How much does this happen love? You almost never in bed.." he whispered.

"A lot.. it happened a lot. Angel I never actually told you this but I have trouble sleeping. Idk what it is but I don't want to bother you so I just come out here most nights.

George sat up and kissed Dream "You should've told me. My mom knows a recipe to knock you out I promise. Come on" he said with a tired laugh.

He opened the fridge and grabbed out the milk carton and opened the cupboard and grabbed the honey.

He poured the milk in a coffee cup and warmed it up. Once it was warm enough he put in a spoon full of honey and stirred it in.

"Here you go love." He smiled handing Dream the cup.

Dream drank a bit and then they walked back to bed together. He finished it in bed and actually started to feel tried for once.

George pulled himself to Dream to cuddle with him. Dream played with George's hair as George dozed off. Dream soon did the same.

He definitely needs either more honey and milk.

Or sleeping pills.

God this is so short. It sounded way better in my head. It probably would've been better if I could actually write ngl. But now I'm going to go on with my life and try to help myself sleep.

Fr fr I can't sleep. Also don't try the recipe and expect results. Tbh I looked up "recipes to help sleep" on tt and thats what it gave me so.

I should try to to see if it works. But if you do end up trying it let me know if it works :)

I didn't do check spelling lol have fun

Don't forget to eat, shower, drink water, take meds ect.

Have a good day/night

Bye ily <33

600 words

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