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Steve's pov
     I wake up with heavy arms wrapped around me, I slowly move to get up, once I try to stand up I'm quickly on the floor. My back aching, I can't move. "Eddie, Eddie!! Wake up!"
      He groans and gets up to see me names on the floor, rubbing my back in pain. "Hey what happened princess?" I blush at the name but quickly snap at him "you! You went too hard last night and now I can't walk!" "Well sorry my love but you were the one begging me to go harder" he gives me that evil smirk of his. " shut up and help me" he laughs that adorable laugh of his and picks me up and sets me back down on the bed, he looks at the bruise on my rib from my father, "so are we gonna talk about that? How long has this been going on, I see scars everywhere" that's when he looks at my wrists, I always wear long sleeve shirts or jackets so no one knows except for robin. But my wrists and thighs are littered with SH scars.
     "Steve, why?" He mumbles out, I can tell that he hates that I do this to myself, but I can't help it, I like the way it makes me feel.
     "Eddie please don't, I don't wanna talk about that, I wobble over to get my clothes before falling back down on the floor, he catches me right before I hit the ground. "Fine, but we are talking about it later, you can't just avoid it." He puts my shirt on me, kissing my cheeks and neck. "I really went rough on you huh" his fingers traced the bruises he put on my neck. "Yes, you did, now take me to the kitchen I'm hungry." "Of course princess" he says with yet another wink. God that wink will kill me one day.

Eddie's pov
     I hadn't noticed this before, but Steve was impossibly light. That makes no sense I see him eat at school and robin tells me they go get food together all the time, but I shake the thought away and set him down at the kitchen table. I make him some breakfast and set it down in front of him, he eats almost all of it then excuses himself to the restroom. At this point he can walk, barely, but enough to get around.

Steve's pov (TW ED)
     I wobble my way to the bathroom, feeling nauseous from eating, I usually don't eat that much, so I sat down on the floor over the toilet and shoved two fingers down my throat, I don't know why I do this still, but I feel like I'm not good enough to eat. I guess Eddie heard me gagging, he started banging on the door, then the door opened to me with my fingers in my throat, trying to make myself throw up the food I had just eaten. He runs over and takes my hand away from my mouth. "W-why" I started sobbing into his shoulder, scared he would get mad at me. "Steve you can't do that to yourself, you need to eat and keep your food down my love." This just makes me cry even harder, I don't want him to get mad at me. "Please don't hate me, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" "Steve, I'm not mad, I'm concerned ok?"

Sorry for another short chapter, I just got really bad news, but I'll try to write soon!

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