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Guys I'm so sorry I haven't been writing, I've been going through some shit recently, but I'm hoping to start writing regularly again. Thank you all for the support!

Eddie's pov
I turn to my left to see my uncle staring at me and Steve, jaw basically on the floor. Oh god no. He doesn't know I'm gay! "Eddie can you come here please? I think we need to talk"
"Yes sir," I mumble out, scared of what's going to happen.
"Why didn't you tell me?" "I wasn't sure that you would support me" "Eddie of course I would, you are like my son. As for Steve, why has he been here for so long? Is everything ok at his house?"
I grow quite, I don't think it's my place to tell him what happened at Steve's house that one night, how I found him. " I'll let him tell you that."
"I understand, he can stay as long as he needs to. And I'm proud of you for finding the one, just keep it down at night" he said with a wink. My cheeks burned red. Once me and my uncle were done talking I walk back into my room. Steve wasn't on the bed, I start panicking and look around to find Steve huddled in the corner, mumbling something about how it's his fault, and that he was sorry. He's rocking back and forth holding his knees to his chest, shaking lightly. "Steve? Steve baby what's going on? Are you ok?" I guess I startled him out of his trance cause he jumped and pushed himself against the wall as if he was scared. "Baby boy look at me, you can tell me what's going on ok?"
"Just thinking about my dad" he mumbles out, I can barely understand what he's saying but I'm used to his mumbling by now. "What happened?" I softly ask, trying not to scare the shaking boy in front of me. He goes on and on about how he's sorry, just crying out. I hold him close to me till he starts to calm down. I've seen people have panic attacks before, but never someone I was in love with, this was hard to watch, I was so frightened and worried about him.
But soon he says my name softly, "yes baby boy?" I say instantly. "Promise you won't leave me" he says, intelligibly. But I heard it just barely. "Never, unfortunately you are stuck with me for ever!"
He smiles, and that small, simple gesture makes my heart melt, I can't help but smile back and kiss him softly. Not wanting to let this moment end I deepened the kiss, he moaned out, slightly opening his mouth. I shoved my tongue into his mouth once he did this. He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and put one hand into my curly hair.

Steve's pov
God I am so in love. He is gonna be the death of me. He picks me up by my thighs and gently throws me onto his bed. He looks up with his fingers on the line of my boxers "is this ok?" He checks, I nod slowly. "Words baby" "yes daddy" he groans, that guttural sound just turning me on even more. "Such a good boy for me" he pulls down my underwear painfully slow, i whimpered unwillingly at the loss of clothing, the cold air hitting my member. "D-daddy" came out of my mouth before I could even think about what I was saying, "yes baby boy?" "Please, f-fuck me!" I whisper shouted. "As you wish" he says with that evil smirk of his

Sorry this one is short, but love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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