The lost ones weeping

29 2 1

Monday, July 11th 7:42 pm

Get the name choice? I listen to that song to cheer myself up.

My father says he thinks he gives me to much freedom but the freedom to what? Have a roof to live under? A mouth to talk through? I don't even have a door there are 2 dogs in my room I sleep in a living room.

I've always shared my room I've never had privacy people can see me from every corner. I hate all of every single one of the stupid annoying kid who never stops talking. His mom who always upset and rude. My step sister who's always working me for nothing. My annoying younger brother who I have to share everything with. And my dad and step mom though that's a whole other vent.

They say I never open up so they can know what I like but they never even try. They yell at me for being myself and when I shut up and stop talking I get yelled at. I tell them I cry when I get yelled at under pressure and they yell at me. When I cry they yell. There's nothing I can do. I wanna kill myself and leave a note saying everything they've done is the reason but I don't wanna die.

I wanna do the things I love like making videos, watching and reading anime, drawing but I don't wanna have to suffer to do it. It isn't fair I wanna be white so I can look pretty and cosplay all the pretty charaters like everyone else.

Why are there so many people with fortune and misfortune in this world? Why can't we all just be happy.

I'm tired of this & everything

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