entry 1: I have a problem

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Jinsoul's not a thief, but the book has no name.

It's cute too, clearly not meant to be left in the lost and found in the Blockberry University office. It's a little smaller than a real book, and its spine is creased from being flattened. Jinsoul looks closer, thoughts of finding her sweatshirt left behind. She opens it and flips through the pages, curiosity getting the better of her.

Oh, she realizes. It's a journal.

She didn't know people even still kept journals these days, but this one is filled with entries. There are drawings and photographs glued inside, but what intrigues Jinsoul most is that there are entire pages where the author has blocked out their writing with a black sharpie. It's not that bad to have a look through, is it? Jinsoul can't exactly return it, it has no name. The closest thing it has to a name tag is the little owl sticker on the line that read "this journal belongs to __". It makes Jinsoul smile, and unconsciously she presses her finger to it, thinking about what kind of college student was using owl stickers to mark their stuff.

She comes back to her apartment with zero sweatshirts but one little journal tucked into her backpack and a quiet smile on her face.

"So, did you find it?" Sooyoung is sitting on their couch, a bowl of chips in her lap while she binge-watches Cut Throat Kitchen. Jinsoul has deduced in their 2 years of being roommates that despite the fact that Sooyoung rarely eats anything other than junk food, she loves cooking shows. Specifically the ones with Gordan Ramsay, and despite being the gayest person Jinsoul knew, Sooyoung was a very big fan of that man.

"Find what? My sweatshirt? No," Jinsoul unpacks her empty food containers and puts them on the kitchen counter. Sooyoung groans.

"No. My water bottle,"

"Sorry, not that either," Jinsoul shrugs. Sooyoung sits up on the couch and leans over the back, smirking.

"D'you steal anything good?"

Jinsoul thinks about the journal in her bag, and picks at her jeans. "No! Of course not,"

"Yeah, not very convincing Soul," Sooyoung gets up, disregarding her chips and came into the kitchen. "By the way, we got some people coming over tonight,"

Jinsoul groans, turning on the water to wash her containers and shooting Sooyoung a glare. "Do we have to? I'll be so awkward,"

"Chill, I meant friends," Sooyoung nudged her. "Just Haseul-"

"Just Haseul, like you haven't been gushing about her since the first day you two met," Jinsoul laughs, especially because talking about the girl in question is the only way that Jinsoul has found to make Sooyoung blush. She can see the red in Sooyoung's ears and smirks, knowing it will be just the same tonight.

"If you can shut up, maybe you'll see her around the apartment more often," Sooyoung has a goofy smile on her face, so sweet Jinsoul almost couldn't make fun of her.


"My dream come true," Jinsoul bats her eyes at a now scowling Sooyoung. "I definitely wanna sit around and listen to you two profess your love all the time,"

"You can make fun of me when the whole situation between you and Doah is resolved,"

"Sooyoung!" Jinsoul hits her arm, feeling betrayed. "That's not fair game to joke about!"

"And my love for a girl is?" Sooyoung raises a brow, ready to get very faux-righteous on her straight friend.

"Doah and I are complicated," Jinsoul says simply, ignoring the bait for Sooyoung to twist her words. "He needs some time and I need some time,"

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