Moving on 

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I wake up in my own bed and look around to see only armpit, zero, and X-ray sitting on their beds as well. "Morning guys" "morning bunny" zero says walking up to me holding his hand out to help me up. "Where is everybody" I ask. "Probably in the break room let's go." Xray says standing up with armpit following.

As we walk in we see all of tent D sitting at our usual table. I sit my zigzag as he gets up and moves away from me. Weird? My feelings got a little hurt so for payback you could say. I sat by squid and we laughed and joked around All breakfast and I could tell zigzag was getting heated. He had it when squid put his hand in the exact spot zigzag does on my leg but I pushed him off to not be rude but yk.

Zigzag stood up and grabbed me by my arm and shoved me against the wall of the break room. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I scream in his face. "Me? What's wrong with you!?" He screams back. "Your the one who didn't talk to me all morning and when I try to sit by you you move? What kinda bullshit is that." "It's different" he says looking down. "How zigzag? How the fuck is it different?!" I reply making him look at me. "Because you know squid likes you." "So I can't talk to people now?" I say getting more heated with every word that comes out of his mouth. "You don't even have the balls to make "us" or whatever this is official. So when your ready let me know." I say as I begin to walk away but he slams his arms around me blocking me from escaping his grasp. He kisses me passionately and i felt butterfly's emerging from my stomach. But once he stopped for a breath of air. I walked away confused on what to do. I do like zigzag really I do. However, I kinda like squid to. I don't know what to do.

Once breakfast was over we walked to get our shovels and I told zero what happened and asked for his advice. "Go with your heart not your brain" he tells me. Well no fucking shit.

We finish digging and we go for lunch and instead of sitting by zigzag I sat by squid and we talked all lunch and I felt zigzags eyes on me. Looking me up and down.

We all head back to our tent for a break and once again I talk to squid as he sits on his bed and I stand in-front of him. "Bunny" I hear somebody call I turn around quickly and almost fall when hands catch me by my waist. It was squid who caught me. When he stood my back up my whole back side was pressed against his chest and you know. I felt a little awkward and I could tell he did to but we didn't know what to do so he let go after realizing what had happened and where I was placed.

Weeks later zigzag stopped talking to me but he still looks at me and stares when I talk to squid. And ever since me and squid have been getting closer and closer to each other. We dig holes by each-other, we sit together at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And even before bed we chat.

One day before our dig I saw squid talking with Xray and armpit and he ran up to me and kissed me on the mouth then ran to get a shovel. I stood their shocked as I made eye contact with zigzag who saw the whole thing then ran to the tent covering his eyes. I felt terrible. But what could I do. I walk to get my shovel and started to dig with zero.

Once we finished we walked back to the tent as squid sat on his bed and I sat on his leg with his arms around me. Squid was always so sweet to me and made me feel like I was the only girl in the world but apart of me still missed zigzag. Him creeping over my shoulder. The way he would pick me up and spin me into a hug. The way he'd kiss me after our digs when we got it the tent or even when we snuck off to kiss somewhere in private where things always turned into a make out session.

Dinner came around and I chose to sit between zigzag and squid. Everything was going fine I would talk to zigzag every once In a while. He would talk to squid here and there. I think everyone was finally getting along until zigzag looked down and saw squids hand on the same thigh and same area zigzag put his. He lost it.

He stood up and pulled squid up by his shirt and yelled at him. "I hate you!" He yells throwing squid to the ground. "Why" he yells still on the floor. Zigzag gets close to squid face and whispers in his ear. "Stay away from bunny or I'll do the same thing to you we did to magnet got it?" "Y-yes" squid mumbled. "Good" he says standing up and coming to sit by me. He puts his hand on my thigh where squids hand had previously been and some nurses came and brought squid to the nurses station. He grabs me by my jaw and makes me look at him. "I'm sorry about before but seeing you with him drove me mad." He says before our faces slowly come closer and closer together but right before our lips could make any connection I stand up. "Huh?" He says "I gotta go check on squid I'm sorry." I say running to the nurses station. Squid sat there sadly. "Hey" I say knocking on the door. "Oh hey" he says looking up at me as he frowned form into a smile. "Listen bunny we need to talk." "Yeah what's up?" I say sitting beside him. "You like me." He says. "Yeah and?" "But you really love zigzag." I say in silence. " so go to him" "no your only saying that because of what he said to you but..." "no I'm not. Go" he says as I run out crying I didn't think squid was like this. I run into zigzags arms and kiss him passionately as he lightly puts his hands on my waist and put my hands on his chest. I felt so warm. We all walk back to our tent with me and zigzag holding hands laughing. "So bunny I was wondering" omg this is the moment I thought to myself. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asks nervously. "Of course!" I scream jumping up and hugging him while he kisses me. We were finally official

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