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Hello everyone. As said in the title, this book has songs in it. Not like the title, Songs of Warriors.

 The setting takes place in Arcadia, a land full of green and lush wilderness. But it is ruled by an evil king.

 This is an adopted and modified version of Percy Jackson, except that it takes place in Arcadia and that the Greek Gods don't exist. In this erosion, TheFatRat songs will be added and the story will be made as if his songs were made to tell the story of Perseus Jackson and Zoë Nightshade.

 And no. Percy will not be called Percy because of various reasons.

 One is that it is still the ancient times and the name Percy hasn't been made yet. Secondly, Perseus will be called the destroyer  because for what he will do. And thirdly, Perseus just sounds cooler. ;) 

 Zoë Nightshade and Perseus meet at an oak tree overlooking a deep cliff. A statue is overlooking them of a great hero. It is the year 1243 and Perseus was going to lead his army of Golden Rebels against the dark lord Kyrojel's forces. Zoë and Perseus talk for a while and become best friends. As they were saying goodbye, Zoë gives him a sword, a four foot long blade encrusted with crystal.

 They don't see each other for a few years.

 Oh, and another thing. I will add my own bits and bobs into each TheFatRat song if the lyrics are too short. The first song will be We'll Meet Again. After that Warbringer. Then Hiding in the Blue. And so on and so on.

In a moment, pesky rodents!

(Not actually pesky rodents, but it rhymes.)


Songs of Warriors (TheFatRat Songs)Where stories live. Discover now