We'll Meet Again(Perseus)

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Suddenly you're no where to  be found

I turn around and everything has change


Perseus  walked towards an oak tree in  the middle of a  field that was not of great significance. But it struck a memory that had  been in his mind ever since he was fourteen. Now he was sixteen and a memory that had been locked at the back of his mind had come forth.

  'What the hell...' he muttered.

  It was as if the person he had met there was real. He thought the girl was a dream and it was just an illusion but now he wasn't so sure.

  Perseus saw a statue behind the oak tree and walked up towards it, draping his hands over the writing. It was intricate and very precious. Well, to him, that was. He turned around back at the opening, but it was now a null void of black.

  'What the hell...' he murmured for the second time that day.

  The cliff wasn't there. That was another thing he noticed that he just realised. Perseus looked behind him again, but the void wasn't there. It was as if someone was playing a prank on him.

  HAHA, Perseus, you suck.

  Perseus, you are soo stupid! HAH!

  Perseus couldn't shake the feeling that this had something to do with the dark lord Kyrojel. He stood ther, motionless, as he tried to figure what was happening.


  Looking for a way to work it out

  I'm trying to find some peace to navigate


Monsters poured in and out of the dark cave, filled with echoing blue light which covered the massive cave with a misty blue fog. Spiders, devils, zombies, skeletons, giants, you name it. And all were going for one target: Perseus.

  Perseus swiftly dodged and blocked, cutting down all the monsters that got too near him. He was not only protecting him from danger, but also his horse, who was cowering on a ledge overlooking a lake filled with glowing monsters, not far behind Perseus.

  'Damn you monsters!' he shouted as he swung upwards destroying two zombies in the attack. 'I'm trying to find a place that cannot be found! Can I not have some peace to navigate!'

  An echoing voice whispered, 'No.'


  The oak tree, where I met you

  And the writing on the statue

  I still remember every word you say


Perseus thought of the day two years ago. The day he had met one of his only friends that he didn't know where she was now. He remembered the day, the oak tree, the pink cherry blossoms, the statue, the writing. The words she had said, her name.

  Oh, her name.

  A name full of joy for him. A name that inspired him to this day.

  Zoë. Zoë Nightshade.

  Never had he been so close to dying, yet he held her tight to his heart. A person he would come to respect, friend and pity once he knew what she had endured.

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