The Soccer boy/Louis POV

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I was practising some football moves then decided to grab my drink bottle. I went to get my bottle by the bleachers just as I noticed a boy lying right near them. I recongnised him from before, the fight with the jocks! I felt fustrated at the other football guys for beating up Harry! I then realised he looked sort of zoned out!

I knew Harry even though I was older than him I still had science class with him and I always admired how he had such a talented and incredible voice.

I aproached Harry, smiling as I could spend time alone with him. He looked hurt so I tried to cheer him up. I don't think Harry knew what had realy happend so I explained where everyone had gone. He still looked sad, hurt and confused so I offered him to come to my place. 
He thought I was kidding but I didn't do it to make him feel less-dumb or nerdy, I did it because I liked him and thought he was cute- OH NO! do I like- I love- I'm in LOVE with Harry Styles!!!

I got butterflies in my stomach and a weird yet happy feeling as we walked off, holding hands...

writers note: hope everyone enjoyed this chapter <3

We met on the football feildWhere stories live. Discover now