Lost in the woods

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TW: Fat shaming comments

Big Red, Ricky, EJ and Gina

Location: somewhere in the woods

Crunch, crunch

"Are you entirely sure that Ashlyn even sent you this location?" Gina asked frantically as she tried to keep up with the boys, who were all taking the lead and following Ashlyn's location.

"Positive!" Big Red stated back, his eyes glued to the little red dot on his phone. "I can sense that she sent this and not one of the people apart of this project!"

Gina was still unconvinced. "Is it some gut intuition that you have lover boy?"

He chuckled. "Probably Gina-"

"What's that over there?" EJ's finger pointed at something that was only a few feet away from them. Curious as he was, Big Red approached the mysterious object, and gasped in horror once he recognised what it was.

The stickers all over the crutches, the ones that he personally stuck on during a late October night on EJ's patio.

Ashlyn's crutches.

He was frozen in place once he saw the sight. How could these villains leave her crutches here? She needed them so that she could move! It was horrible to think about her struggling to move without her crutches.

"Red, are you alright over there?" Ricky called to him, but he could master the courage to speak of what he saw.

Crunch, crunch

"Big Red, why are you just-"

EJ stopped dead in his tracks as well as soon as he saw the crutches. He looked to Big Red, who was looking at him blankly, as if he wanted him to say something to Gina and Ricky.

"What the fuck."

"What do we do?" Big Red asked, EJ shrugged as he picked up the crutches nervously.

"I don't know, except we need to keep following to her location."


Seb, Lillian and Kourtney

Location: somewhere in the woods

Crunch, crunch

"We're lost, aren't we?" Lillian asked as she took in her surroundings, she swore that she had seen the same massive rock for the hundredth time in the past few minutes.

Seb was in denial however. "We're not lost! We're just... getting familiar with our surroundings."

"Or in simple terms, we're lost." Kourtney retorted, Seb just sighed and moved ahead.

"You guys just don't understand! I'm trying to find this stupid cabin in the best way that I can!"

"And in the end, we'll probably end up finding a witch who simps for her daughter's voice, and blinds her prince because his horny ass wanted a piece of that-"

"Not the time Lillian," Seb cut her off before she could finish, he was just not in the mood for any jokes right now.

"Are you feeling alright Sebby?" Kourtney asked, he shrugged and continued through the woods.

"I just... really hope that Jack hasn't... done anything to him yet."

Her and Lillian really hoped the same thing as well, they just couldn't bear the thought of Carlos being put through that hell once again. He was already so fragile; his fragility wouldn't be able to take any more sexual violence.

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