A little fall of rain

85 4 6

TW: Reported death, implications of possible rape, mentions of rape 

Big Red

Location: the hospital café

> Mum ❤️

Big Red- Hey, I'm going to be awhile alright?

Mum- Why?

Mum- And where are you exactly? I had to take Kelsie to work with me because you're not here!

Big Red- I'm sorry! But I guess I forgot to tell you

Mum- Tell me what?

Mum- Sweetheart, what are you hiding from me?

Big Red- So there was this project about Jack that targeted us all and he kidnapped Carlos and Ashlyn

Mum- I'm sorry what 😃

Big Red- I know, it's crazy to believe

Big Red- I'm still trying to process it

Mum- And how do you exactly expect to get out of this one?

Big Red- That's a good question!

Big Red- Because I don't even know 😐

Mum- Well you better figure something out!

Mum- And where even are you?

Big Red- I'm in the hospital café

Mum- Wait, are you all at the hospital?

Big Red- Just me and Ashlyn

Big Red- The project locked her up in a coffin and tried to bury her!

Mum- Oh dear! Is she alright?

Big Red- She's asleep now, I just stepped out of the room so I could get something to eat. The doctor said that she's doing much better!

Mum- That's good

Mum- Take all the time you need, alright?

Big Red- Alright!

Big Red- I love you ❤️

Mum- ❤️

As he sipped the smoothie that he ordered, his attention drifted off to the TV, which was showing the news. A few stories about robberies and economics, nothing really juicy was happening (besides his own drama). He watched through the segments with zero interest, until he saw one particular one.

Not anything that was cheerful, something that was horrifying.

"Breaking news just now: famous LA music producer Jamie Porter has died in hospital. Police have stated that he died due to loss of blood from a broken nose that was sustained from a cookbook. He has been reported to be in connection with 'the Jack project', which has reportedly aimed to declare Jack Stockwell as innocent, who was charged with the attacks on the Caswell family and the sexual assault of Carlos Rodriguez last month."

Before he could process the whole statement, more came through much to his horror.

"Police are also asking to be on the lookout for a group of kids who have been reported to be behind the death of Jamie Porter. Police are on the lookout for: eighteen-year-old Elijah James Caswell, seventeen-year-old Richard Bowen, sixteen-year-old Lillian Lopez, sixteen-year-old Sebastian Matthew-Smith, seventeen-year-old Kourtney Greene, sixteen-year-old Gina Porter, and seventeen-year-old Noah Redonovich."

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