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Noise was all around me but not only I couldn't move, I couldn't open my eyes.
"No Zo! I'm not leaving her here, I love her" someone yelled.
"Stay here but I'm getting you something to eat and a change of clothes" Another person said.
"Fine" the first one said than shifted a bit.
I think they sat on a seat because they grabbed my hand and held it in theirs.
"Jemima?" The only voice I could recognise that would've own it said. "Why won't you wake up? I've been with you the past week and I haven't seen any movement. I haven't left your side because I'm hoping that when you wake up, if you do wake up, I want to be by your side" Joe said resting his head on my hand.
I felt tears run down my hand which I assumed was from Joe. A few seconds later I felt electricity run through my body, I felt the feeling in my hand again, I felt alive.
"You probably can't hear me, but I love you with everything I've got, without you I'm not complete. Your my missing puzzle piece. I really love you Jemima with all my might" Joe said then I felt a pair of lips on my hand.
I acted immediately by putting all of my force into squeezing his hand which drained me completely.
"Jemy is that you?" Joe said lifting his head from my hand and letting tears fall again.
This gave me more power than before and I squeezed his hand again but he didn't feel it.
"Guess not" he said than started crying heavily and with each tear drop I felt more power running through my body than before.
I think I have enough to power to open my eye so I tried. First time failed, second time failed, third time failed. Fourth time I opened one only to get blinded by the light above me. I squinted my open eye and looked down to Joe crying with his head on my hand. After my eyes adjusted to the lightness I got the feeling the clear my voice.
"Hey" I croaked which got Joes attention and his eyes shot straight up and immediately had hope in them.
"Jemima" he said sitting up and moving to hug me.
"I missed you" I said coughing.
"I missed me too, jokes I missed you more than you could imagine" he said and I laughed lightly.
"I heard your little speech" I said sitting up.
"Wait what?" Joe asked shocked.
"Me being the missing puzzle piece and stuff like that" I laughed.
"And I meant it all" he smiled than kissed me.
"I also like the nickname Jemy, Joey" I said giving him a nickname.
He smiled and hugged me again. I felt a damp bit on my neck and lifted Joes chin up.
"Why are you crying Joey?" I asked wiping away the tears.
"I'm so happy" he said holding my hand against his cheek.
"Me too, may I ask what happened?" I said moving over so he could sit on the hospital bed with me.
Why was I on a hospital bed, not in mine.
"You were on your bed and we all thought you were asleep so I left you then in the morning I went to go and wake you up and you didn't move, didn't stir, didn't open your eyes the slightest so I brought you to the hospital and they said you were unconscious. Me being me asked why and they said you had eternal bleeding in your gut. They put you in surgery and fixed it all and you didn't wake up since." He said tears starting to fall again but not happy ones.
"Shit" I cursed under my breath hoping Joe wouldn't hear.
"What?" He asked looking up and into my eyes.
"Mal" I said shuttering from the name.
"Who is he?" Joe asked fear in his eyes.
"My ex" I said.
"What did he do?" Joe asked, a sweep of jealousy over took his fear.
"Kicked me in the gut, in the fight we had" I gulped.
"Explains it all" Joe said than continued "let's change the subject" he cheered.
"Yay!" I laughed then pulled Joe into another massive hug that I didn't want to let go of.
"Never leave me again" Joe said sniffing, I assumed he was crying again.
"I'll try" I said then a few warm tears rolled down my cheeks but I didn't want to move my hands to wipe them away.
We stayed there for a long time, crying into each other's arms until I heard the door open. Zoe and Alfie walked in with bags of things. I watched them walk in and almost drop the drinks onto the floor.
"Jemima!" Zoe screamed rushing over to me and hugging me along with Joe.
"Yes" I replied when she pulled away.
Joe pulled away so I could talk to them and he kept the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Jemima, I didn't mean anything I said, it was all too fast for me and I couldn't handle it." Alfie said approaching us after standing on the side awkwardly for about 10 minutes.
"I know," I said than put my arms out for him to hug me which he proudly accepted.
"Jemima, he loves you like a sister you know that. He cried every time your name was mentioned because of how he felt. He even said your name when he was asleep, that's how much he loves you" Zoe said.
"Really?" I asked moving away from the hug and looking into Alfie's glass looking eyes.
"Really" he said and let a tear fall down his cheek and I smiled.
"I love you all, group hug" I said then Zoe and Joe joined us.
The doctor walked in and looked incredibly shocked to see me like this.
"Is there a problem doc?" I asked smiling.
"No I just presumed you wouldn't wake up for a couple of days" he said than looked at his folder. "According to this it says if you woke up you could go home the next morning" he smiled.
"Thank you so much, how many hours until I can go home?" I smiled.
"4 hours because it's 5 at the moment" he said than continued "you can continue with your normal life, do things you'd usually do" than he left.
"Hear that I'm going home in 4 hours!" I laughed than we settled into a talk.
* 1 week later*
"Guys lets go to the club tonight" Zoe yelled through the house.
"Yeah I'm in!" Joe and I yelled at the same time from our rooms.
"Me too" Alfie said walking up the stairs.
"It's settled then, 6 o'clock be ready and we'll hit the town!" Zoe yelled from her room.
The time was 4pm at the moment so I had a good 2 hours before we set off.
"Shotgun first shower!" I yelled through the house but a voice got to me just before I said it.
"Ha!" It laughed and I knew it was Joe.
I walked over Joes room and pushed the door open to see what he was doing and to my surprise he was at his table not editing but with pen and paper.
"What are you doing?" I asked Joe which made him jump and then quickly put away all of the things.
"N-nothing" Joe mumbled.
"Tell me, show me even" I said.
"Really?" He asked looking at me from his position.
"Really" I said walking over and sitting on his made bed.
"Fine, just tell me what you think honestly" he said reaching for his draw.
"I promise I'll be honest" I said looking over Joes shoulder.
"Ok here we go" he said pulling the paper out and showing it to me.
It was a painting of a pond with autumn trees in the background. The pond had ducks in it and half was painted, it had the autumn colours with many tiny details, he drew, painted all of the grass, added different effects with the same colour but different shading.
"Wow" was all I could manage then walked over to have a closer look.
"Wow?" Joe asked. "Do you like it?" He said with sadness in his eyes.
"I don't like it" I paused then saw the hurt in Joes eyes. "I love it"
"Really?" He asked, his normal colour returning to his eyes.
"Really" I laughed "explain it to me"
"Okay, the leaves resemble your hair and how it falls around your face but with this, how it falls to the ground. The water resembles the colour of your eyes when your happy and, or, nervous. The grass represents the happiness you show and the ducks represent you, Alfie, Zoe, Marcus, niomi, Tyler, Troye, Tanya, Jim, Louise, Louis, dan, Phil, me and the others." Joe said and I couldn't help but show happiness.
"This is amazing! How long have you been working in this?" I asked.
"A couple of weeks" Joe said blushing.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he said.
"bye havin a shower" I yelled running from his room to my room to retrieve a towel than running and shutting the bathroom door behind me.
I started the shower and took out my hair, stripped down then got in. The water was really refreshing so I decided I would wash my hair. The sound of the door knob turning scared me and I almost slipped over.
"Hello?" I called after I regained my balance.
"Hey" Joe said.
"What are you doing?" I asked Joe, who I could see in the corner of the bathroom.
"Coming in the shower you doofus" Joe laughed.
"Really?" I asked nervous.
"Really" he said than opened the shower door.
"Um?" I asked trying to cover up my body.
"Don't be nervous" Joe laughed.
"How?" I asked turning around so my body was pressed against the shower wall.
"I dunno?" He said than shut the door behind him.
I moved my head slightly to look at Joe and blushed straight away.
"Um , your junk?" I asked referring to his man parts.
"Who cares" he said then pressed his body against mine.
"Joe?" I asked nervously.
"Hmmm" he mumbled into my neck.
I moved to the other side of the shower but got stopped by Joe pressing his lips to mine. I reacted instantly and kissed him softly back. We moved in sinc as the water hit us from above until someone banged against the door.
"Hurry up Jemima!" It was Alfie.
I broke away from the kiss and mumbled sorry to Joe. "I'll just be a minute!" I yelled back.
"Hurry up!" He said than I heard him walk away.
"Well..." I said letting my hands dangle to the side of my body.
"Your beautiful you know that" Joe said stepping out from the shower and grabbing a towel.
"Cheers, not too bad yourself" I laughed. "Towel please" I said than turned off the shower.
"Here ya go" he said handing me a towel and I wrapped it around my body.
I dried and rushed out of the bathroom into my room to get dressed.
"Zoe!" I called from my room.
"Yes!" She called back.
"I need help choosing what to wear!" I called and she ran in instantly.
"Well, the club we're going to doesn't have a dress code so..." She said examining my wardrobe.
"You decide what I wear while I go get my undergarments on" I said grabbing my underwear and bra and running to the bathroom.
I knocked on the door and Alfie yelled through.
"Oh sorry!" i yelled back then walked back into my room where Zoe was still choosing my clothes.
"Alfie's in the bathroom" I told her.
"Get dressed in Joes room" she winked at me and I blushed but nodded.
I walked across the hallway and knocked on Joes door.
"Hello!" He yelled through the door.
"It's Jemima" i answered back.
"Come in then" he yelled.
I opened the door and walked in only wearing the towel and stood there awkwardly.
"How may I help you?" Joe asked with a cocky smile on his face.
"Zoe's taken my room and Alfie's in the bathroom so um...er... Can I put on my bra and shit in here?" I asked nervously.
Joe laughed and replied with "sure" then turned back to his painting.
I walked to the corner of the room and put on my underwear from under the towel but now was the bra. I moved the towel away from my body in one motion then faced the wall straight away when I felt Joes eyes one me.
"Mind not staring?" I asked reaching and grabbing my bra.
He just laughed then turned around again. I put on my bra and looked over Joes shoulder to the 3/4 finished painting.
"How do boys get dressed so quickly?" I asked him walking over and grabbing the towel from the floor.
"Magic" he replied which got me laughing.
"Magic?" I asked once I calmed down.
"Yes, have you not heard of it?" Joe said standing up and facing me.
"Yes but never to get dressed quickly" I said looking around the room the covering my bra with the towel.
"You must've been living under a rock for your whole life then" he said stepping closer to me whilst I kept looking around the room.
I didn't respond so he took more steps closer to me until our body's were pressed against each other. I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He kissed back and I felt the Sparks set off in my stomach. I heard a cough from the door way and pulled away immediately, and stood awkwardly not looking in their direction.
"Zoe asked me to come get you?" Alfie asked once I turned to face him.
He walked away and he was fully dressed too. How long was I in here for?
"Well you better get going then" Joe smirked.
"Will do" I said walking off then Joe pinched my bum.
I went bright red in the face and ran over to my room.
"What took you so long?" Zoe asked with a huge grin.
"E...erm, lost track of time" I stuttered looking away, still red faced.
"Alfie told me he interrupted in something," Zoe laughed then I looked at her.
"What am I wearing?" I asked her.
"This" she said handing me a black loose crop top with Fluro pink high waisted shorts and white vans.
"I'll go and get changed then" I said than started walking out of the room.
"I'm doing your makeup too" she called after me.
"okay" I said then walked into the bathroom only to bump into Joe again.
"Um, just going in here" I said then shut the door behind me.
Awkward. After I finished getting dressed I put my hair into a high pony tail leaving out my fringe but curling it slightly.
"Zoe" I said walking into my room.
"Time to do your makeup" she clapped.
"Okay let's begin!" I said then took a seat while she did her stuff.
When she finished I looked into the mirror and I looked amazing. She didn't make me look goth like but made me have black smokey eyes, false eyelashes, eyeliner and dark red lipstick.
"It's amazing thank you Zoe" I said the hugged her.
"Any time" she laughed then she called out to the boys.
"Time to go!" I yelled than stepped outside.
This is gonna be one hell of a night.

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