PROLOGUE, his lousy beginning

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The wind was loud in his ears. The snow and cold bit into his flesh, slowing his hot, pumping blood and freezing him ever so slightly. But he didn't dare move.

Not a single inch.

His lips were parted ever so slightly as he laid still. The snow engulfing him into a icy embrace.




He closed his eyes and listened carefully. Heavy steps crunching against the snow.

It's close.

Opening his eyes, he rolled onto his stomach. The snow gently kissing his face. But the kiss was unwanted. The cold temperature made his snot freeze after all. He tried not to lose focus though despite the urge to rub at his nose. His eyes focusing ahead as a giant boar broke through the trees in a slow, lumbering motion.

It's hide was thick. The skin tough. It's horns big enough and sharp enough to tear a hilichurl into pieces with only a flick of its head.

Y/n could feel his fingers shake against the handle of his weapon. It was a standardized sword that a lot of average fatui agents use. Though, as he looked at the blade, he noticed how it looked a bit dull and how there were a few chips in it.

He bit the inside of his cheek. A canker sore almost ensured to show up within the next day from how harshly he was biting his cheek.

Get a hold of yourself, y/n! There's no time to worry about your weapon.

All you need to do is kill this wild boar!

Steeling himself, he flicked his head back towards the boar. His eyes regaining a harsh focus as his teeth let go of the inside of his cheek.

When the boar turned away, it's attention elsewhere. Y/n decided to strike.

He bounced up from his position in the snow. The crouching of the icy mixture beneath his feet caught the boar's attention immediately as its hooves hit the ground. It's head shaking violently as it spotted him.

He raised his sword, ready to dodge and roll as the boar stampeded towards him.

Anger, that was all he could see in it's eyes.

Calm, y/n. Don't be afraid.

The snow is something that you should be far more fearful of than a boar.

The boar got closer and closer until-


Y/n jumped out of the way in time. The tip of his sword grazing the boar's side.

I caught it perfectly!

Smirking to himself, he turned to see if he either killed it with one long gash or at least slowed it down, but ...

Neither were the case.


The boar was injured at all, and y/n was once again reminded just how weak he was.

The boar stamped it's right hoof against the ground. Ready to charge again.

"Hehe, well, looks like I bit off more than I can chew... time to make a break for it!"

He spun on his heel. A snow cloud being made in his wake as the boar followed after his running figure.

Honestly, you couldn't get more average than this.

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