Chapter 6

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Marcel had came with the girls to the festival. They were gonna meet his friend Cami there.
Davina smiled as she looked around. People were laughing and dancing all around the place. The three of them made their way over to the bar table in the middle of Rousseaus. Rosie sat down ordering Davina and her some ice waters.

"So is it everything you hoped for?" Marcel asked Davina. Davina giggle and nodded her head. Rosie slid Davina's water over to her as she took a sip of her own.

"Yeah!" Davina told Marcel enthusiastically as her eyes landed on a brunette hair boy. She smiled looking at him.

"So, we should probably go over the rules." Marcel started to say as he looked at the two girls.

Davina signed "I won't talk to anyone about anything. I won't say anything about witches, or vampires, or Originals, or you and Rosie"

Marcel nodded at Davina and smiled.

Davina looked up at him with a slight embarrassment look on her

"You said you weren't going to hover!"

"She's right Dad, we can handle it from here. Besides your friend is supposed to show up soon, there's no need for you to stick around."

Marcel shot her a look before nodding.

"Fine, but stay inside Rousseaus. I got guys porched on every corner to make sure you two are safe. There's my friend right there. Cami!" Marcel waved Camille over as she quickly walked over to him.

"Camille, this is Davina and that's Rosemary." Marcel told her pointing at the two girls.

"If either of you three needs anything just call me. I'm gonna go talk to the Mayor. " Marcel said before looking directly at Rosemary and pointing at her "Behave Rosemary."
She waved him off as he left shortly after that.

"So who's the hot guy with the fiddle" Camille asked Davina. She noticed her looking at him with a dreamy look on his face.

"His name is Tim. I knew he would be here, he always performs at these things." Davina told Camille with a shy smile on his face as she watched him play the fiddle.

"How long have you two known each other"

"Since we were ten." She paused turning back to the table and taking a sip of her water.
"I had to leave school, and I didn't get to say goodbye. So, I was just hoping to talk to him tonight."

"Go talk to him vina! I could come with you if you like. For moral support." Rosie offered.

Young love. She never experienced it. She never even had a first kiss. She was always so terrified that she would accidentally hurt someone with her magic, she never got close to anyone. Davina was in fact her first friend. Her only friend. Thierry and Diego didn't really count, they were her uncles.

They had noticed Tim had disappeared.

"Well, he couldn't have gone far, he just got off-stage a minute ago!" Camille said as the three girls started looking for Tim.

"It doesn't matter, this was a stupid idea anyway." Davina said blinking back tears.

"No, it wasn't! Davina–"

"Just forget it." Davina told Camille cutting her off as she ran away.

"I'll go check on her." Rosemary said as she ran to catch up with Davina.

As Rosemary left to go find Davina.
Klaus had approached Cami from behind and handed her a note.

"Tell her this is from one of the musicians. She'll want to leave, and you're going to want to help her slip out the back exit so Marcel doesn't see. Whatever you do, don't let her out of your sight."  Camille looked annoyed at him but she did as she was compelled to.

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