Untitled Part 5

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The next day there was a black out and the people who work at that block had to stay in the area for safety reasons and because of the bad weather.

Adnan was sitting down.

Some people from the gym brought out yoga mats for people to sleep on, the mats were long and big enough for a person to lay on.

Adnan was sitting on a yoga mat.

He was next to Tai.

Tai looked worried about something.

"What's wrong. "Said Adnan.

"If I knew about the bad weather I would of told my parents about it. "Said Tai.

"Why are they elderly ."Said Adnan.

"Yeah but it's not that it's because me and my son live with them. "Said Tai.

"Wait you're a dad. "Said Adnan.

"I am. "Said Tai.

"What happened to your wife if I may ask . "Said Adnan.

"I'm intersex and gay so no wives or girlfriend in involved. "Said Tai.

"Oh. "Said Adnan.

"My ex boyfriend never told me he didn't want to be a dad he even encouraged me to go though with it but the day my son was born I woke up and found out he left and kicked me out, um sorry for telling you all of this it's just feel good to get this out. "Said Tai.

"It's fine I'm a gay male who parents don't know I'm gay and I'm about to have a arrange marriage. "Said Adnan.

"Guess life has done us both a disservice . "Said Tai.

"Guess so. "Said Adnan.

They talked so more.

"I have a question. "Said Tai.

"What is it. "Said Adnan.

"What do you want. "Said Tai.

"I have never been asked that, the plan to my life according to my family is get a job, then I marry Sunitha, we get a house, then we have kids and life falls into place, my parents want me to marry a brown skin Asian woman so that their future grandkids won't be of a lighter shade because according to some of the people in my family mainly some men in my family, white non Latino women will ruin me, black women are too worldly, Indigenous women will cause me problems, Latina women will drive me up the wall and lighter skin Asians will ruin me. "Said Adnan.

"What do you want those. "Said Tai.

"I want everyone be happy even if my happiness is overlook ."Said Adnan.

Tai looks at him.

"What I want is to be allowed to be openly gay without the fear of being disowned which isn't possible sadly. "Said Adnan.

"I hope one day you get to be happy. "Said Tai.

"Thanks what about you what do you want. "Said Adnan.

"I want a man who won't run off when he finds out I have a kid, I want people to see me as person with value rather than some guy's baby daddy, I want people to see me as someone worthy of love, I want people to stop asking me why Jaison Song my ex left and I want for people to take my job seriously, so many people in my family think that my job isn't important as their just because I wear gym shorts to work and they wear suits or lab coats to work. "Said Tai.

"I wish people would stop asking me if I'm going to kiss Sunitha after the wedding or during the wedding I want people to stop telling me that having gay friends is wrong and I want people to see me as a person not just the continuation of my family lineage, like I want to be a dad some day but I don't want to marry a woman but being disowned is way too much for me to deal with so I can't tell anyone anything so I just let life run in the direction it has been going. "Said Adan

They talked some more.

"I have a question. "Said Tai.

"What is it ."Said Adnan.

"May I kiss you unless that's not the right thing to say it's just you're just so handsome that I -

He was cut off by Adnan kissing him.

They both blushed.

The next day.

Adnan went home.

He kissed Tai the day before, the last time he ever kissed a guy was at a party.

Ryder walked out of his room(Ryder is Japanese American.)

Adnan told his friend/roommate everything.

"He also has a kid. "Said Adnan.

"You have to fix This. "Said Ryder.

"I know I have to fix this before something bad happens or my parents find out. "Said Adnan.

"Do you like Tai. "Said Ryder.

"I do, he's a great kisser and he's so nice also he got me to speak about stuff I have never been asked before also he got me to think about what I want in life which never happens. "Said Adnan.

"Well follow your heart what does your heart say about this. "Said Ryder.

"My heart tells me to be with Tai but my heads say if I do that my parents will be angry, Sunitha will be sad and everyone will hate me and that I will ruin my parents happiness and everything they worked so hard for and also that I would be ruining Sunitha happiness and her change at love and marriage . "Said Adnan.

"I understand how you feel me being gay is why some of my family doesn't speak to me and why my mom no longer talks to one of my aunts, she chose her gay son over homophobia family members and now those family members hate her and my dad because they chose to accept me over disowning me. "Said Ryder.

"I wish I could just tell my family so I wouldn't have to lie but if I did they would still make me go through the arranged marriage and I would be living a lie and Sunitha doesn't deserve that she's a smart amazing caring person she deserves a husband who will love her not a gay husband like me who her parents arranged for her to marry. "Said Adnan.

"Well I wish you luck my friend good luck maybe things might work out . "Said Ryder

"Thanks. "Said Adnan.

"If they don't then you can find another family and maybe some family members in your family might be accepting also even those we're not blood related you're still a part of my found family. "Said Ryder

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