Untitled Part 8

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Adnan was looking at the food options for the wedding.

So many options- from chicken to shrimp dishes to vegan.

No pork or beef in site.

Some Hala food.

They will this tofu tikka masala dish because some of the family members on Sunitha side are vegans.

There was chicken curry dishes.

So much food with many lovely spices and smells.

The next day Adnan went to work.

He was delivering some food.

He walks pass the gym building and got into his car to delivery the food.

Once he arrived back to work.

He saw Tai.

Pax was with Tai.

Pax wanted to say hi but was told to stand near his dad.

Adnan went back into his job to lock up.

He thought about Tai and how he must be upset about what happened.

He went to go talk to him but Tai had already left.

He tried calling him and no answer.

The next day he went to go talk to him.

"Hello ."Said Adnan.

"Hello Mr. Nejem . "Said Tai.

"Are you mad at me. "Said Adnan.

"No I'm not I'm just upset that you won't think of your own happiness, yes you might get disowned but if someone is willing to disown you did they even love you in the first place or were you just a extension of their hopes and dreams of their desires and wants also living a lie isn't healthy also how will your fiancé deal with the fact that her husband is gay and her happiness wasn't as important as what their parents wanted. "Said Tai.

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