Untitled Part 10

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The day of the wedding.

Adnan got dressed.

He was so unhappy and kept thinking about what Tai and Ryder both have told him.

Adnan walked out and saw Sunitha there.

"We aren't suppose to be see each other." Said Adnan.

"You're gay right. "Said Sunitha.

"Why do you ask. "Said Adnan.

"Because well maybe this marriage can be platonic, a lesbian and a gay guy getting married everyone assumes we're straight. "Said Sunitha.

"Wait you're gay. ""Said Adnan.

"Sorry but you're not my type if you were a woman then maybe I would be happier to marry you. " Said Sunitha.

"I have a idea. "Said Adnan.

When the wedding started- they played a match up of the traditional music of both cultures.

Sunitha and Adnan didn't show up.

Their families were mad.

Adnan invited Tai but then call him and told him his plan.

Adnan showed up but then he had a mic.

"This wedding is over. "Said Adnan.

He handled it to Sunitha.

"No one asked us what we wanted- what I want is to marry a woman. "Said Sunitha.

Adnan told the mic.

"I'm gay. "Said Adnan.

The parents were mad about it and were prepared to force the two to get married anyway.

Adnan walks outside of where the wedding was.

He met up with Tai.

"Wow . "Said Tai.

"I kept thinking about what you said and well you're right I want to be happy if my parents disown me then it meant they never cared about me anyway. "Said Adnan.

Adnan's parents showed up.

"What was the meaning of this. "Said Mr. Nejem.  

"I'm gay and I'm in love with a man, I don't care what you say to me disown me all you want it just lets me know that you never loved me anyway. "Said Adnan.

"Well I hope you're happy. "Said Mrs. Nejem.

His parents didn't disown him it was just a lot to take in.

Mr. Patel was angry.

"I want you and my daughter to get back in there and get married. "Said Mr. Patel.

"Why do you care so much. "Said Sunitha.

"Because after your brother failed marriage I wasn't going to let that so call marriage for love ruin my family. "Said Mr. Patel.

"Well I'm not marrying him. "Said Sunitha.

"I'm not marrying her. "Said Adnan.

Mr. Patel looked at Tai.

"This is your fault ."Said Mr. Patel.

"I just arrived here and didn't even know what he was planning until he called me later. "Said Tai.

Adnan's parents told him if he doesn't want to marry her then he doesn't have to.

His parents ended up being very supportive of his choice and realized their old fashion views caused nothing but trouble also they allowed the Patel family to have way too much control than they wanted once they realized how must pressure their son had on him also the fact that his parents had arranged marriage but love each other made them realize that marrying for love is a lot better and you resent the person more and enjoy their present more and also have less health issues if you're less stressed.

Mr. Patel also talked crap about Adnan and well Emma wasn't going to allow someone to talk crap about her son especially a man who tried to flirt with her any chance he got.

She wasn't into Mr. Patel.

The friendship ended.

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