Chapter 3: I Shall Return

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"Will you be able to manage?" William Cho asked his nephew as his driver slowed down in front of a bus stop at the edge of the city.

Stephen had recovered completely and was now holding in his hands his ticket to a new life, one where no one would know him.

"Yeah, you gave me enough money to start a new life. Plus the proper records to go to a good enough university." Stephen nodded as he placed his hand on the car door.

"Take care, I'll send people to check on you in Lowe city." William Cho offered his hand to shake.

Stephen frowned at the gesture, he knew there was no love between him and his uncle, but he had hoped for at least some affection from the man as he was leaving.

"Who knows, I might not be in Lowe city anymore by the time you remember to contact me." Stephen said as he shook his uncle's hand and grinned.

He already had a plan.

Lowe city was merely a pitstop for him. He would go on to study internationally, where he would learn all the tools he needed to come back and fight against his father.

"Don't worry, kid, I'll find you." William Cho's words sounded like there was more to it, but Stephen decided not to dwell on what his uncle had said and simply nodded as he got out of the car.

Stephen quickly booked a ticket to Lowe city, it would take him twelve hours to travel from the capital, Marina city.

"You're lucky, the bus is leaving in ten minutes." The woman who sold the tickets told him as she handed him one. "Don't you need luggage?" She asked as she looked around, surprised that he had none.

Stephen couldn't help but feel annoyed at how nosy the woman was acting. It wasn't her business if he didn't have luggage.

"Nope. Thanks." Stephen said as he took the ticket and quickly went to an ATM to withdraw what he could from the money his uncle had left him in a bank card.

He wasn't surprised to find that his uncle had given him a generous amount, he knew that William's real intention was to get rid of Stephen so that his future son could inherit.

Stephen was also William's back up plan, if he didn't have a son, Stephen knew that William wanted to have him under his control, to do as he wanted. But he wouldn't let that happen.

Realizing that it was almost time to leave, Stephen quickly bought things he would need for the journey and upon his arrival.

As he boarded the bus he noticed that his seat was between two young women who were eyeing him.

"Hey, do you want to switch seats so you two could sit next to each other? I'd happily take the window seat." He suggested as he gave them his most charming smile.

At a loss for words, one of the girls nodded and moved to let Stephen through.

"He looks like that dead kid." He heard one of the girls say, making Stephen freeze.

His hair color was different, he was wearing contacts, his uncle even had him undergo some sort of treatment to darken his skin.

He had begged his uncle not to have anything else changed.

"Yeah, but look, their hair color is different, and that Stephen Cho guy seemed mean and cold from his photos, this guy looks like he is quite kind." Her companion whispered, unaware that he could hear their conversation.

"I guess they just look alike, I mean the other guy is dead anyway." The first girl said as she scrolled through her phone. "What a waste though, he looks so handsome and imagine the woman that would have married him could have been the young madam of the Cho family!"

"I doubt he was kind." Her friend said and she wasn't entirely wrong. Stephen was never the kindest person, and he knew that for a fact.

"Yeah, probably some rich kid that just cared about getting his way. His mom and sister are pretty though, I saw them in the funeral pictures. Too bad the dad divorced the mom just cause their son died." This was news to Stephen, he didn't know that his father had divorced his mother.

"Yeah, I will never understand these rich people, so what if it's only the daughter left?" The other girl said, weighing in on Vincent Cho's decision.

As they continued to gossip about Stephen's family, the bus began to move.

Stephen watched as it passed by some familiar places, places that he didn't know if he could return to ever again.

"Hey, what's your name?" The girl next to him asked as she tapped him on the shoulder.

He was shocked at how bold she was behaving.

"Stephen Sy." Stephen told them, using the identity he would now be living by.

Stephen stopped himself from laughing as their jaws dropped when they heard his name.

"Stephen is a common name." Stephen was quick to discourage the girls from any thoughts that he was Stephen Cho.

The girl that had spoken to him closed her mouth and blinked, it was as if she was being brought back to her senses by what Stephen had said.

"Nice to meet you, Stephen." The girl said with a nod.

For a moment it seemed that she wanted to say something, but in the end convinced herself not to. She shook her head and leaned back as she tried to calm her friend who was still not convinced that Stephen was simply not Stephen Cho.

"How can I not look like myself?" Stephen thought.

He was happy when the other girl finally gave up and accepted that fact that a dead person was indeed dead.

After their awkward interaction, the two girls decided against speaking to him for the rest of the trip. They were too embarrassed to continue.

Twelve hours was a long time, it allowed Stephen to plot his next move.

By the time they arrived in Lowe City, it was early the next morning and the city was abuzz with life.

"Hey, any chance you can point me to the most affordable apartments and the best place to shop?" Stephen asked the woman next to him.

"You can try the Cho district, that's owned by the Cho family. The best apartments are always there." One of the two girls suggested.

Stephen frowned at the mention of his old family name, he had no plans of staying in any place owned by the Chos. It only increased the risk of him getting discovered by his father and being controlled by his uncle.

"Any other place? Might be full or too pricey." Stephen casually said.

"Hmmm, you could try the Xiuan district, it's not as high end, but it should do. There is also a local mall nearby and some banks." The second girl suggested.

Stephen quickly thanked them and went on his way. 

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