Chapter 6: A Dream of Revenge

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Stephen smiled as he exited the university building, he was one step closer to his goals.

He couldn't help but think back to four years ago, when he had been beaten up by an entitled young man and saved by Charlie.

He owed Charlie everything.

After Stephen had gone against the Yu family of Lowe City, Charlie's business was affected.

Interestingly, Charlie didn't seem bothered. He simply asked Stephen what his plan was.

When Stephen told him that he intended to go to the neighboring country where he had been accepted for university on a scholarship, Charlie told him he would tag along.

Ever since then, Charlie had been like an older brother to him.

"So I'm guessing now we can date?" A petite woman with long brown hair asked as she ran up to Stephen.

"You're being silly, why would you want to date me?" Stephen shook his head as he continued to walk away.

The woman, Vanessa Ty, was very persistent. She had told Stephen that she liked him from the moment they met, and Stephen had done his best to push her away.

He knew he was bad news. Whether it was the fact that he was poor or the fact that he would never be safe as long as he was a threat to his father, half-brother, and uncle.

"Why wouldn't I?" Vanessa asked Stephen.

"You're annoying." He directly told her as he waited by the bus stop. "Don't you have a car? Why are you following me?"

"Because you haven't answered me." Vanessa told him as she placed her hands on her hips and glared at him with her piercing black eyes.

"I don't have to answer you, you already know what I will say." Stephen said as he spotted the bus speeding towards them.

"Look, Stephen Sy, I know you like me too. Why do you keep avoiding me?" Vanessa asked in a loud voice catching the attention of the other bystanders.

Stephen quickly pulled her away, he knew that people loved to gossip. If people in her circle learned about what Vanessa was doing, they would surely look down on her.

"Are you crazy? What would your family say?" Stephen hissed as they continued to walk away from the public.

"I don't really care about them. Look Stephen, I don't need my family or a rich husband to survive. You know I have offers from the top companies back at home, including Cho industries." Vanessa lectured him, making Stephen frown at the mention of his family's company.

"You can't work there if we date." Stephen mumbled.

"What did you say?" Vanessa asked as she heard him speak. She wasn't sure if she had heard him correctly.

"I said, if we date, you can't work for the Chos. Anyone but that family." Stephen looked up at Vanessa, the flame in his eyes making her take a step back in surprise.

"I wasn't really considering working for them." Vanessa confessed as Stephen reached out and held her hand. "I wanted to work for an international company, I don't want my family pushing me to marry one of their sons."

"They only have one, and he is dead." Stephen frowned as he thought of the sad reality that he was probably not ever going back to see his grandfather, mother, or sister.

"It doesn't matter, because it's you I want." Vanessa looked at Stephen with a smile.

Stephen laughed and shook his head.

"Tell me, Vanessa, why me? Half the male population in school is chasing after you. I'm sure the boys at home would jump at the chance to be with you. I'm nobody. The poor weird kid that never smiles." Stephen was baffled by the fact that Vanessa continued to like him after four years.

"So you know that you never smile." Vanessa teased Stephen as she took a step closer to him.

"I am not without my reasons." Stephen shrugged as he took her hand and interlocked their fingers.

"You are what I see, this is the real you. You aren't trying to put your best foot forward to impress me." Vanessa looked into his eyes, her own burning with passion. He could see clearly that she truly wanted to be with him. "You work hard, and I know you will achieve great things."

"I don't have a powerful family to back me." Stephen looked down as he let go of Vanessa's hand. He knew that her family would never accept him, in their eyes, he was from a lesser background.

"I'd rather be with a man that is capable of rising even without the powerful background, rather than to be with a man that relies only on his family." Vanessa told Stephen.

"You better not make me regret this." Stephen's tone was powerful, one that Vanessa had never heard. In fact it made her blush.

She quickly looked down to avoid his gaze, she didn't want him to realize how he affected her.

"I won't." Vanessa said as her lips were suddenly captured by Stephen, his strong arms wrapping around her waist, pulling her to him.

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