Chapter 10: Scandal

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"We were lucky that man helped us." Vanessa told Stephen as they boarded the bus that would take them to his home.

"I'm sorry I failed to impress your family today." Stephen told her as he gestured for her to take a seat first.

Luckily they were commuting at an off time and there weren't that many people on the bus.

"Really Stephen, do you still think I want you to impress my family?" Vanessa said as she leaned against his shoulder. "I don't care if they like you or not. I love you and I will marry you. They cannot stop that."

Stephen nodded as he let her rest.

The bus ride was quite short as they arrived at their community not long after having boarded the bus.

As they walked to Stephen's home, he noticed an odd car following them. It didn't take much for him to realize that the car was actually quite familiar to him.

As they stood by the door of the house, Stephen groaned and shook his head.

"What's wrong?" Vanessa asked, worried that her fiance was actually in pain.

"I forgot to buy something in the grocery." Stephen told her, making Vanessa breath a sigh of relief when she heard that it was nothing serious. "I'll be quick, don't forget to lock the doors."

Vanessa rolled her eyes and laughed.

"You tell me that all the time. We lived in a gated community, there are guards that go around to check for suspicious persons. What are you so afraid of, love?" Vanessa continued to laugh, but to Stephen it wasn't something to be taken lightly.

He did his best to hide how upset he was with her taking the matter too lightly, but his efforts were in vain.

When Vanessa noticed his serious expression she stopped laughing and hugged him.

"I'll be safe, I promise. I'll lock the doors like you told me to." Vanessa told Stephen.

"Vanessa, I just can't imagine what I would do if you got hurt, please take this seriously. That's all I will ask." Stephen said as he lifted her chin and planted a quick kiss on her lips.

"Go, the grocery might close soon. Don't worry too much, okay?" Vanessa slowly stepped back as she walked into Stephen's house.

Stephen smiled as he heard the audible click of the door locking.

He knew that it was unlikely, but he wanted Vanessa to be safe just in case his relatives found out that he was still alive.

When he stepped back out into the sidewalk, he noticed that the car was still there, waiting.

He couldn't let Vanessa see him getting into the car or speaking to the person inside. So he decided to continue walking until he reached the gates of their community.

The car then pulled up beside him, seemingly driving at the same speed he was alwaking at.

When he finally reached the bus stop, the car halted and so did he.

Stephen took a deep breath before turning to the car as the window slightly opened.

"Did my uncle send you?" Stephen asked in a low voice.

"I'm here to speak with you Stephen, there have been some developments." Stephen was shocked when he heard his Uncle William's voice.

The last time his uncle had personally spoken to him was to see him off at the bus station that fateful day.

Stephen nodded as he opened the door and got in the car.

As soon as he had closed it, the driver stepped on the pedal and took them far away from Stephen's home.

"I thought you forgot I existed." Stephen told William Cho as he avoided looking the man in the eyes.

"I know I've aged a lot Stephen, and so have you, so stop looking out of your window. What I have to tell you is of grave importance." William Cho said in a booming voice, making the driver worry for a little bit.

However, to Willam, his driver's, and his assistant's surprise, Stephen didn't seem bothered by his outburst.

"Uncle, we may have not seen each other face to face, but I do see the news and I am on social media." Stephen calmly told his uncle.

William Cho smiled and shook his head.

"So you've been keeping updated with the family?" He asked his nephew.

"It's hard to avoid the Cho family, when the Cho family owns five of the top ten biggest businesses in the country." Stephen told his uncle.

He did his best to keep calm. He didn't want his uncle to get more than what he was willing to show. Stephen was well aware that they all wanted him to be a pawn in their game, but after what his father had done, he was never going to be a pawn again.

"Ha! Smart boy, that is true." William praised as he nodded. "So you've seen your half brother?"

"I met him today, yes. He created quite a scene, but he doesn't bother me. He seems like a spoiled brat." Stephen said, not holding back on his opinion of Liam Ye. It was only natural that he would hate the child and the mother that had made his father turn on them.

"He's the reason your father is in this entire mess to begin with." William chuckled.

From his expression Stephen could tell that his Uncle William could feel an impending victory.

"Mess? What mess?" Stephen knew that there were a lot of things that the media failed to report because the Cho family hid it well.

"Someone found proof that your father was behind your murder, the board is now asking him to step down and to face criminal charges." William smiled as he informed Stephen of what was now great news.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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