Chapter 45

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Aurelia followed Hayley upstairs and talked for a while, making sure that she was okay. After Hayley fell asleep, Aurelia went downstairs again and took a seat in the front yard, lost in her thoughts. Her mind was scattered.

Her life in New Orleans was so much different from the one she had expected; Full of drama and supernaturals. She wished for a simple life with family and maybe children.

Her boyfriend was a 1000 year old vampire. And even though she had found an amazing new family, who had promised to provide her with everything she needed, the family was torn into pieces. And since vampires couldn't procreate, she would never get to have children of her own.

She felt envious of Hayley, even though it wasn't easy being a part of the Mikaelson family.

Aurelia sighed to herself, when there was suddenly someone who spoke behind her, almost making her jump.

"What a crazy day, right?" Genevieve said approaching her.

"You're still here." Aurelia said smiling friendly at the witch earning herself a smile on response.

"Thanks for helping Hayley." Aurelia said thankfully, knowing that both Klaus and Elijah was too stubborn to thank her.

"Of course. Where is she now?" Genevieve asked smiling, taking a seat across the table.

"She's upstairs resting." Aurelia answered, before the front yard filled with silence for a moment.

"I've seen the way you look at her." Genevieve said softly.

"You want children of your own?" She continued.

Aurelia looked down, avoiding eye contact as she shrugged.

"I probably won't have to decide on that." She finally answered sending Genevieve a fake smile.

"There's always a loophole with magic." Genevieve said smirking, before she stood up and walked away, leaving Aurelia alone, confused by her words.

Aurelia decided to check on Hayley and walked back upstairs.
She was awake again, getting something to eat.

Just as Aurelia had taken a seat next to Hayley on the bed, Klaus entered the room.

"You've proved quite resilient, little wolf. Fighters, both of you." He said walking into the room.

"I guess we've had to be, especially lately. I've decided that I'm going to move back in." Hayley said making Aurelia smile widely at her. Finally she would have some company again.

"Well, I'm relieved to hear it." Klaus said smiling.

"But no mouth-breathing bodyguards, no telling me what to do." Hayley commanded.

"All I ask is that the child is kept safe." Klaus said. Aurelia couldn't help but smile. It was so sweet watching Klaus, actually care about something.

"And what about me? What happens after she's born? If you try to take her away from me, I..." Hayley started.

"Come with me." Klaus interrupted her, before he walked to the door on the side of the room, leading into another room.

Hayley hesitated for a moment.

"Please. I want to show you something. You can come too, Aurelia." Klaus said.

Both girls stood up, and followed him hesitantly.

He opened the door and Hayley slowly walked into a beautiful nursery.

"Believe it or not, Hayley. I would actually like you to be here. Our daughter should be raised by her parents in her family home. " Klaus continued.

"You, me, Elijah, Aurelia and the miracle baby all under one roof. Sounds like a bad reality show." Hayley said, as she looked around making both Aurelia and Klaus chuckle.

Klaus looked like he had something on his mind and looked a bit uncomfortable.

"You said, you saw my father." Klaus said.

"Why do you call him that? He's not your real dad." Hayley asked.

"He's done damage only a father could do.
What did he say to you?" Klaus asked.

Hayley thought for a moment.

"Nothing true." Hayley said smiling.

Klaus looked surprised. He smiled before he then left the room.

Aurelia walked into the room and looked around. The nursery was beautiful thoughtfully decorated, making her smile excitedly at Hayley.

After spending some time with Hayley, Aurelia went to search for Elijah.

She found him out in the balcony watching people celebrate on the street. Loud jazz-music was playing.

She slowly walked up behind him, placing her hand carefully on his shoulder making him turn his head and looked at her, while a smile formed on his lips from seeing her.

"Hayley and the baby are fine. And Hayley is moving in again." Aurelia said softly, standing beside Elijah, looking out at the scenery on the street.

Elijah wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed her hair without saying a word. They just stood there and watched the people celebrating on the street.

His mind was troubled, because of the unexpected return of their father. Another threat to his family and Aurelia, making him worried once again that he couldn't protect her and keep her safe.

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