Chapter 2

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 Eddie looks into your eyes, and you melt as he stares at you with his gorgeous chocolate-brown eyes. "Y/n, you know you are my best friend and always be, right?" Eddie started. You nod to him as you just stare at him. "I also know that Harrington is your best friend as well, but I don't like the way he looks at you. When he looks at you, it is like he is in love with you. What I am trying to say" Eddie trails off as he stares at you and moves closer to you.

You blush a deep crimson and look away from him. He lifts your chin so he can look you in the eyes. "Eddie, wh...what are you trying to...", you start to say as he pulls your face to his, and he kisses you deeply and passionately. You go breathless as he is kissing you, and melt into him.

"I love you, y/n. I always have. I just didn't know who to tell you until now.", Eddie said to you, coming for air from the breathtaking kiss. Meanwhile, in the trees, Steve is watching you and Eddie and gets angry that Eddie got to you first. Steve had followed you and Eddie into the woods to see what was going on.

"I will make her mine. She will see I am the one she is supposed to be with.", Steve whispered to himself. He turns and walks back up to school, and leaves. You hear the snap of a branch and look around to see where it came from.

"What's wrong, y/n?" Eddie asks you to get your attention back on him.

"Wh...What? Oh, nothing, I'm fine. I just thought I heard something.", you stammered. That next moment Eddie pulls you into another deep passionate kiss, and you just melt all over again. You come up from the kiss and look into his eye and say, "I had no idea you felt this way. I always thought that you saw me as just a friend."

"Oh, little bat, I have loved you for years.", Eddie said to you as he looked at you lustfully.

"I have been trying to tell you this for a long time, Eddie. I just wasn't sure how you would react or what you would say. I love you too. I have always loved you.", you say to him as you snuggle into his chest. Eddie smile and looks down at you, and kisses the top of your head. "I only have 1 problem that I don't know how I am going to handle.", you say as you look up at him.

"Let me guess. Harrington?" he asked you, upset. You nod as you pull away from him.

"I have to tell Steve sooner or later. You know that, Eddie. I can't just leave him in the dark like that.", you respond. You get up from the table to leave and go find Steve as Eddie grabs your wrist.

"Wait, y/n. I have 1 more question to ask you. I get it if you say no, because of Harrington. But I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend.", asked Eddie looking at you.

You smile at him and jump into his arms. "Of course I will, Eddie. I love you so much!" you respond excitedly. He smiles as he holds you in his arms. "Can I come over later? I have to go do something.", you ask him. He nods as you both get to leave your spot in the woods. You get to the school parking lot. Eddie pulls you towards him and kisses you so deep that you get weak at the knees. He laughs as he holds you up to steady you.

"I have to go now. I will see you later, my sweet little bat.", Eddie says to you as he picks you up and spins you around.

You squeal and giggle, "Eddie, put me down." You kiss him one more time before you go to find Steve. Eddie climbs into his van and leaves the parking lot. After he is out of sight, you run to find Steve. After about 10-15 minutes of searching, you find him in his car.

"Steve!" you yell to him. As he sees you, he smiles and walks over to you. He grabs you up and hugs you tight.

"Hey, y/n. Where have you been? You missed last period.", Steve questioned.

"Oh, yeah. I skipped the last period. I wasn't really feeling it today. Look, there is something I need to talk to you about. I don't want you to get upset or hurt. You are one of my best friends.", you say to him. Steve looks at you puzzled, even though he knows what you are going to say

Best Friends to Lovers: A Lovers TriangleWhere stories live. Discover now