Chapter 10

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You start to dream as you drift off to sleep in Eddie's arms. Those dreams turn into nightmares. You start whimpering in your sleep. Your nightmares are about Billy and what he did to you. You start to turn and try to get out of the nightmare. Eddie feels you tossing about and hears you whimpering and crying. You wake up screaming, "LET ME GO!!!"

"Whoa, whoa. Baby, you're ok. I'm here. You were just having a nightmare."Eddie says, holding you in the darkness of the room. You throw yourself into him and start crying again. "Shh, baby girl. It's alright. He is gone; he can't hurt you anymore. I'm always going to protect you. I will never let anything bad happen to you.", he says, trying to calm you down. He rubs your back gently to soothe you.

You hold onto him tight. "Don't let me go. I...I don't know what to do. I am terrified. He really hurt me, Eddie.", you cry into his shoulder.

"I know, baby. I know. He won't be able to anymore. We can go talk to Max tomorrow if you want. I know you are worried about her since it was her step-brother that did this to you.", Eddie says quietly as he rocks you. You look up at him, your eyes are still red and puffy from crying. He caresses your face. He pulls you into him and kisses you softly. "I love you, y/n. Just know that." he says to you.

"I love you too, Eddie. I'm sorry I put you through this today. I never should have worn that dress. I should just burn it.", you say, looking at him.

"Wait, baby. Don't do that. This isn't your fault. You didn't put me through anything. I'm supposed to be there for you. You are my fiance, and I will never let anyone hurt you like that again."Eddie says, looking down at you.

"I can't wear it again. I loved that dress, and Billy ruined it for me. I have to get rid of it.", you say, starting to get angry finally.

"Alright, baby. If you really want to burn it, then let's do it. Come on. Go grab it and those torn fishnets.", he says, supporting you. You go to the bathroom and grab the dress and torn fishnets off the floor. You follow Eddie outside, and he sets up a steel trash can. You throw the dress and fishnets into it. He pours lighter fluid all over them and hands you matches. You strike a match and throw it in. You watch as your favorite dress goes up in smoke.

You begin sobbing again, and Eddie comes to hold you as your dress burns to ash. "Tell you what, baby. How about we stay home from school tomorrow? I'm sure the principal will be ok with that after what you have been through. I will take you to do something fun to get your mind off of everything.", Eddie says to you as he rubs your shoulders. You agree with him as you watch the fire rise into the sky.

You turn to go back inside, but Eddie stops you. "Eddie, please, I just want to go inside and forget this day.", you say begrudgingly.

"Baby, you can't avoid talking to me about this. You know that. I know you are hurt and feel horrible about all of this, but you can't let it keep you from living your life.", Eddie says, holding onto your hand. You turn around and look at him. You know he is right. You look into his chocolate brown eyes, you can see that is hurting with you. Your eyes start to well up with tears again.

You run over to him and wrap your arms around him, crying. "You're right, Eddie. But it hasn't even been a day, so it is still going to bother me.", you sob into his chest. He holds you close to him and kisses your head. "I think I'm just going to stay home for the rest of the week. I can't face anyone at school right now.", you say.

"Understandable. I'm sure everyone heard about it by now. You know how word spreads in that school. I will stay with you.", Eddie agrees.

"No, Eddie. You can't miss the whole week. Stay with me tomorrow, but please go back the next day. Especially if we both want to graduate this year.", you argue with him. Eddie pouts, trying to get his way. "Eddie, no. I'm not budging on this. You stay home with me tomorrow, and then you go to school the next day. If I need someone to stay with me, I will get Nancy or Robin to come over.", you say, putting your foot down on the matter.

"Fine, little bat. You win this time, but you won't be so lucky next time.", Eddie growls in your ear playfully. You giggle slightly. Eddie smiles at the fact he finally made you smile for the first time that day. You lead him into the trailer and into the bedroom.

"Am I ready for this again? Especially after being raped? I have to try for him. If I can't do it, I know he will understand.", you think to yourself. You push Eddie down onto the bed and climb on top of him. You start to make out with him. You are trying your best to get into it, but images of what happened to you that morning keep flashing through your mind. You stop kissing Eddie and move off of him. You put your face in your hands. "I'm sorry, Eddie. I can't do this right now. I'm trying, but I just can't. I keep images of what happened flashing through my head.", you sob into your hands.

"Y/n, don't apologize for not being able to yet. You went through something very traumatizing today. I don't blame you for not being able to. You take however long you need to heal from this. I will be here for you no matter what.", Eddie says, moving over to you and hugging you. You look up at him, still crying. "Let's lay down, baby. I'm sure you are still tired from everything today.", he says.

You lay down facing him and bury your face in his chest as he holds you close. You soon fall asleep in the safety of his arms. Eddie watches you sleep peacefully as he rubs your back to keep you soothed. He lays his head down on the pillow and falls asleep next to you, still holding you close. 

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