Chapter 4

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You and Eddie lay there entwined in each other for another 45 minutes. You look at the time on Eddie's watch and realize you guys are going to be late for DnD. "Oh shit! Eddie, we need to go. We are going to be late for Hell Fire.", you say to him as you get up and quickly and get dressed.

Eddie looks at his watch. "Fuck!" he yells and does the same. You both rush out the door to his van. You climb in, and he drives to the school where you meet up for Hell Fire. You and Eddie get out of the van and rush inside, hoping no one has shown up for Hell Fire yet. You get into the room, and the only ones there are Dustin and your cousin Mike.

"What took you guys so long to get here?" they ask in unison. You and Eddie look at each other and shrug.

"Sorry that we are late. We uh...lost track of time.", you mutter. Mike looks at you curiously.

"Please don't tell me you 2 are together now.", Mike says.

"And so what if we are together?" Eddie says to Mike. You laugh at how quick Eddie is to defend your relationship with him. Eddie looks at you with the look of, I will get you later and smiles. You blush and look away.

You all sit down as everyone arrives to play. A couple of hours pass as you play, and the DnD campaign, The Curse of Vecna, is coming to an end. There are only 2 of you left on the map. You and Dustin are the only ones that stand in the end against Vecna. Everyone else has been killed. Dustin makes his roll with the D20. He rolls an 11 and misses his shot. It is your last shot to kill Vecna. You pick up the D20 and roll. It seems like forever while the die rolls across the map. It finally stopped rolling and landed on 20. "CRITICAL HIT!!!" you yell excitedly. Everyone was so excited that they had defeated Vecna. Eddie was in shock but pleased. You run over to Eddie and jump into his arms. You kiss him hard on the mouth. He picks you up and spins you around. The guys just stand there and stare at you both.

"What the hell?" Dustin and Mike said together. Eddie stops and puts you down. You look at Dustin and your cousin.

" Eddie and I are together.", you explain to them.

"You don't have to explain anything to them, y/n. If they don't like it, then oh well. You are mine now and will be forever.", Eddie said to you, glaring at them.

"I think it is time you take me home Eddie.", you say to him.

"Alright, baby. I will take you home. We will see you guys later.", Eddie says. You guys walk out of the room and walk to his van. As you both are walking out, the basketball game has just ended. You see Steve walking out and quickly letting go of Eddie's hand. He looks at you and wonders why you let go and then sees Steve. "Seriously? You let go because of Harrington?" Eddie said, annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Eddie. I'm not ready to tell him yet.", you mutter. Eddie looks at you, upset.

"I know, little bat. I'm sorry for getting annoyed. Just take your time. Tell him when you are ready.", Eddie whispers to her. Steve sees you and walks over to you.

"Hey, y/n. Munson." Steve says, reaching you and Eddie at his van. Eddie glares at Steve. You punch him in the arm to make him stop. Sorry, he mouths to you.

"Hey, Steve. How was the basketball game?" you ask him.

"It was good. We won, of course. How was your DnD game?" he asks you.

Eddie interjects and says, "Well, y/n won the whole campaign. She is amazing at DnD." You smile up at Eddie. He grabs and squeezes your hand lightly and then quickly lets go. Steve notices, and his eye goes dark.

"Steve, are you alright?", you ask him.

Steve snaps out of it and says, "What? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Y/n, can I talk to you privately for a second?"

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