Chapter One

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Most people might think that it's crazy getting up at five a.m. just to go to a little second hand shop in another state. Well, just call us crazy and jump on board! The crazy train has just left the station heading towards New Hampshire. Windows down, music cranked up, and Anastasia is higher than a kite. Our thing is that whoever is not driving is obligated to get high and to be the entertainer. It's our tradition that hopefully last years.

"Are you sure you don't want a hit?" Anastasia asked, leaning over the middle console of our jeep, laughing uncontrollable.

"I will when it's your turn to drive. When will that be again?" I asked her, knowing that I wouldn't get a serious answer out of her.

"Hmmm....." She said, trying to put a serious face on, placing her index finger to her chin.

"Maybe, once I come down from this high." Anastasia finally replied, trying to sound calm and in control. I just looked at her for a few seconds, the look on her face was priceless.

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" I chuckled, glancing into my rearview mirror.

"Do you need me to drive or can I relax?" She finally asked, as if everything depended on that one question.

"Relax, and enjoy your music. I got this." I told her laughing at her state of mind.

Annie and I have been best friends for ten years now. She has been there for me whenever I needed her. The same goes with me, whenever she'd call, I'd drop everything to help her.

We moved in together not long after we met. She got me into antiquing and re-selling it. We decided to make a business out of it. We have been doing really good, we were able to quit our day jobs and became our own bosses. We have the freedom to travel and bring in more income along the way.

I glanced over at Annie, to find her passed out asleep. Her head leaning on the window, mouth wide opened. Good, when she wakes up she can take over.

Anastasia and I are opposites when it comes to being around people. She's the loud, funny, and friendly type of person. Who can talk to anyone without any problems. If you look at her the wrong way or treat her wrong, she will tell you all about it. That's one of the things I love about her. I'm a different story, I'm quiet, shy , and I don't talk to most people because of it. I don't stand up for myself like she does. I wish I could be more like her.

We have lots in common, more than we thought. Everyday we learn something new about the other. You would think that knowing someone as long as we have, we should know everything by now. Truth be told, she's a mystery to me, and I love that. It keeps everyday interesting and fun. If you could have a soulmate in a friend, mine would be Annie.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was afternoon and I was starving. We did have breakfast before we left the house, although that was hours ago. I turned down the music and shook Annie's shoulder. She didn't move, not even a inch. I tried a few more times without success, damn this girl sleeps like a rock. I slapped her on the arm as hard as I could without hurting her.

"Annie! Wake up! I want food!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Scaring her. she jumped up looking around.

"Did you say food?" Annie asked stretching her short, tan arms over her head. "BTW, you don't have to yell. Dude, I'm right here. We are pretty much in the same bubble right now." She glared, with a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"Well, I don't want you in my bubble. Get away from me." I growled, pushing her hand away from my face. Trying not to crack up.

"Do you want food or not? Last chance, the exit is coming up." I told her, still trying to keep a straight face.

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