Chapter Two

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     There's a pounding in my head, it keeps getting louder and louder. And the lights, they were so bright! Was there a spotlight on me or something? I slowly opened one eye, closing it fast. I slowly opened them and blinked a few times. Noticing the light streaming from the curtains I rolled over checking the time. Eight in the morning. How am I awake this early? There was a movement from the corner of my eye. I looked up to see Annie sitting cross legged on her bed, watching me.

    "I know I probably look like shit right now, but that's no reason to stare." I said falling onto my back and stretching my long arms over my head.

   "How are you feeling?" Annie asked worried

   "I have a hangover from Hell, but that's to be expected." I answered truthfully. Sitting up, pulling my knees to my chest.

   "You drank a lot last night. I haven't seen you drink that much, ever." Annie said.

   "Did I do anything stupid?"

   "No, I dragged you out of there before you had the chance too."

    "I'm so lucky to have you. You take such good care of me."

    "Next time, I'm getting shit faced and you can take care of me." Annie said handing my two Tylenol and a bottle of water.

   "Deal." I took them from her drinking the whole bottle.

    "What would you like to do? I was thinking about going shopping. We need to get paper so you can start writing."

   "That sounds fun. We need food and coffee before we go."

   "well, before anything we need some weed." Annie said, getting her tray from the bed side table.

   "Not too much. First joint of the day hits me harder than smoking two at once." I giggled, moving to sit beside her.

   "Can you unclasped my necklace for me? I tried taking it off before bed, but I couldn't get it." Annie asked turning around, like she new I'd say yes. I didn't answer, as I moved the long chestnut colored strands. I tried to undo the necklace, but nothing happened. The thing would not move, no matter how many times I tried.

   "Huston, we have a problem." I announced dropping the chain from my hands.

   "How could you have a problem?"

   "It wont come undone!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands up. "The clasp has to be broken or something. It doesn't look broke."

   "Turn around!" Annie demanded, trying to turn me around by the shoulders. Our height difference making it hard for her to do so.

   "Okay, okay. I'll move." I laughed turning around and bending my knees a little so she could reach. I moved my long wavy auburn hair from my neck.

   "What the hell is wrong with this thing?" Annie yelled in my ear.

   "Let's smoke and get ready for the day. While we are in town we can pick up wire cutters." I told her standing up.

   "Good idea. Why didn't I think of that?"

   "Because I'm a genius, that's why." I laughed  picking the joint up off the tray and lighting it.  I took a couple puffs before handing it to Annie. I went over to my bag to pick out my clothes for the day. I picked out a pair of jeans and a black tank. I paired them with a blue and black granny square cardigan, that I crocheted.

    I looked at my reflection and noticed how well the necklace complemented my cardigan. I left my hair down, and very little make up on my naturally pale face. I wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world but I wasn't ugly either. You could say that I'm beautiful in my own way. I'm thirty-five and still single. Don't get me wrong, I do go on dates. I just haven't found my Prince Charming yet and some days I wonder.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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